
2019-09-25 01:22杨枝煌
陕西行政学院学报 2019年3期


摘   要: 中国经济发展是一个梯度开发格局,先东部再中部再西部。在东部已经实现高度国际化、市场化、专业化的情况下,应进行全国甚至全球配置资源,从而优化东中西部三大区域的分工协同发展。随着东部土地、劳动力等要素成本不断提高和承载容量不断减少,企业作为市场主体力量必然理性進行产业转移或者产业布局,加上中部地区丰富的各种资源以及相对较低的各种成本等优势禀赋,中部地区的崛起具有内生性。国家主动对中部崛起进行政策支持,特别是中部地区外资成功发展案例以及即将出台的各种新政,必将使中部崛起具有外在性。中部地区先发展起来的企业和产能也继续通过“一带一路”走出去,外资完全可以同中部资本联合开发第三方市场。外资参与中部崛起具有巨大潜在空间,外商投资中国必须有新思维新举措新机制。

关键词: 外资; 中部崛起; 第三方市场; 新作为

中图分类号: F127               文献标识码:  A             DOI:10.13411/j.cnki.sxsx.2019.03.005

New Actions of Foreign Capital Participation in the Rise of Central China in the New Era

YANG Zhi-huang

(National Center for Collaborative Innovation in Governance, Beijing 100871, China)

Abstract: The article holds that Chinas economic development is a gradient development pattern, first in the east, then in the middle and then in the west. Under the circumstances that the East has been highly internationalized, marketized and specialized, it should allocate resources nationwide or even globally so as to optimize the division of work and coordination in the three regions of the east, the middle and the west. On the other hand, with the increasing cost of land, labor and other factors in the East and the decreasing carrying capacity, enterprises as the main force of the market are bound to rationally transfer industries or reallocate industrial layout, together with the rich resources and relatively low costs in the central region and other advantages, so the rise of the central region is endogenous. Of course, the initiative of the state to provide policy support for the rise of the central region, especially the successful development of foreign capital in the central region as the guide & example and the coming new policies, will certainly make the external rise of the central region. In addition, the enterprises and production capacity development in the central region will continue to go out one by one. Foreign capital can also jointly develop the third party market with central capital. Therefore, there is a huge potential space for foreign investment to participate in the rise of the central region. Foreign investment in China must also have new thinking, new measures and new mechanisms.

Key words: foreign capital; rise of central china; third party market; new actions
