
2021-12-06 10:27浙江彭文国
疯狂英语·新策略 2021年10期

浙江 彭文国
























Five years ago,I had a job at the other end of the city,and I usually commuted(上下班往返)to work by bus.Those long tiring hours of travelling were always annoying.But one day,it was healing.

It was an evening,and I got on the bus that would take me home.I chose a seat by the window,which could prevent me from being bothered by others.It was nearly 6:00 pm,but the bus was not yet full and the driver gave no indication that he intended to get the bus on the road soon.

Minutes later,a middle-aged woman took a seat beside me.It seemed that she was crying all the way.Seeing her heartbreaking situation,I asked her whether I could help her.She thanked me and shook her head.Then she tearfully narrated her story.

She had come to the city to visit her daughter.On the way,a thief had snatched one of her bags,which had contained half of the money she'd brought with her.The other half was rolled in a handkerchief and hidden under her blouse,so she fortunately still had some money left.

The bus conductor,the driver,and other passengers listened to her story,but no one said anything.After a while,she stopped crying,removed some cheese bread from her bag,and began to eat,worry still knitting her brow.

An old man in ragged clothes got on the bus.He sat in the seat just in front of the woman.

When all the seats were taken,the driver got behind the wheel and started the engine.The bus conductor began to collect tickets and asked us where we were getting off.When he came to the old man,the poor man lowered his head nervously.Seeing this,the conductor asked the man to show his ticket in a loud voice.The old man admitted in a low voice that he did not buy a ticket.He explained that he had spent all his money this morning when he'd accidentally got on the wrong bus and now he was trying to go home.




Paragraph 1:

Hearing this,the bus conductor ordered the old man to get off the bus._________________







Paragraph 2:

The woman seated behind the old man was also observing the incident.________________















One possible version:

Hearing this,the bus conductor ordered the old man to get off the bus.The old man was almost in tears as he begged the bus conductor to let him take that bus so he could get home.The bus driver,who had been listening to his explanation,stood up,approached the old man,and repeated the conductor's command to urge the old man to get off the bus.Apart from the harsh words from the driver and sobs from the old man,the whole bus was in a terrible silence.

The woman seated behind the old man was also observing the incident.When the bus driver and conductor raised their voices at the old man,she stood up and said,“Don't be so rude to him! Can't you see he's only trying to get home?”“He doesn't have any money! ”the driver shouted.The woman reached inside her blouse,took out her remaining money,and handed it to the conductor.“Here is his fare.Please be kind to an old man.”Later,she also shared her bread with the old man.How much sweeter the journey was with the woman's kindness and gracious behavior.


❖the woman:

“Don't be so rude to him! Can't you see he's only trying to get home?”

“Here is his fare.Please be kind to an old man.”

Later,she also shared her bread with the old man.


❖the bus driver and the conductor:

urge the old man to get off the bus

raised their voices


❖the old man:

The old man was almost in tears as he begged the bus conductor to let him take that bus so he could get home.

sobs from the old man


❖the author:

How much sweeter the journey was with the woman's kindness and gracious behavior.




Up until last week,I would say that it was wise for you to stay away from an unfriendly person.But now I take back that.

I was going to a sports-and-nature camp,and almost everything about it was fantastic:the activities,the food,the teachers,and almost all of the kids.The reason why I say “almost”is because there was a girl,Elizabeth,who was always frustrated and seemed determined to ruin the fantastic time.

When I saw her sitting alone in the burning sun at lunch one day,I said,“Want to join us under that nice shady tree over there?”

Elizabeth said,“No,really not.”

When we needed another person for our volleyball team and a boy called Jasper invited Elizabeth to play with us,Elizabeth said,“If I wanted to play volleyball,I'd already be playing volleyball.”

After a few more unfriendly comments like that,I decided to keep away from Elizabeth.I mean,if she wanted to have a terrible time,that was one thing.But there were only a few more days of camp left,and I wanted to make the best of them.

Well,you know how just when you decide to do things one way,life decides to do things the opposite way.It so happened that we were going on a nature hike and our teacher paired everyone up with a partner.Guess who my partner turned out to be!

“I can't believe how warm it is,” I said,trying to make small talk as we started out.“Do you like hot days like this?”

“I honestly don't care about things like the weather,”Elizabeth whispered.

I smiled nervously,trying to think of a new topic,“What do you like to do for fun?”

“I like to walk in peace and quiet,”Elizabeth replied.

“OK,”I said.

Later,we had the quietest,and most peaceful hike in the history of the universe,until we met a bird.It seemed that the bird was injured and tried to flee into the grass,but in vain.




Paragraph 1:

Elizabeth knelt down before the bird._______










Paragraph 2:

Seeing the scene,Elizabeth sighed in relief.











Elizabeth knelt down before the bird.“Poor little creature,”Elizabeth murmured,her voice sounding gentler than I'd ever heard.“He must have had his wing or foot injured,just as my grandpa.” “Your grandpa?What happened to him?”I asked concernedly.“He slipped and broke his feet on the day when the camp started.He's still in hospital and suffering great pains.”“No wonder you are so frustrated,” I thought to myself,observing the bird's another attempt.The bird spread his wings and finally took off.

Seeing the scene,Elizabeth sighed in relief.“He made it! ” “And I believe your grandpa will be back on his feet soon,too.”I said with a firm tone.She nodded,smiling at me for the first time.From then on,Elizabeth began to join me in my various topics.And most of the time,she actually enjoyed most of our activities of the camp as my partner.Only then did I realize that it might be worth giving someone a second chance.She may be going through a terrible time and just doesn't know how to deal with it.













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