
2022-05-30 12:23庞振芳
广东教育·高中 2022年5期




1. 同位语


[例1]知道你们英语报社在为Best Helper Award挑选人选,我迫不及待地推荐交流生Tom,他总是乐于助人。

Learning that your English newspaper is selecting someone for the Best Helper Award, I cant wait to recommend Tom, an exchange student, who is always ready to help others.

2. 非谓语动词




Learning from the newspaper that some English volunteers are needed for the Beijing Winter Olympics, I am writing to apply to be one of them.


We were bathed in sunlight, enjoying the fresh air and beautiful scenery.



Located(=Lying)in northwest Beijing, the Old Summer Palace is the most magnificent royal garden of the Qing Dynasty.



To have a better understanding of the play, you can search the Internet and learn more about its background.


Im writing to invite you to take part in the sports and art festival to be held in our school next Wednesday.


I feel honored to deliver a speech on behalf of our class.



Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

3. 强调句型

即“It is/was +被强调部分+that+其余部分”句型,除谓语外,各个成分均可用此句型强调。


It was Mr. Lis encouragement and help that made me have self-confidence.

4. 倒装句


(1)“only +状语”位于句首的部分倒装句


Only by changing the way we live can we protect the environment.

(2)not only...but also...连接两个并列句时,not only后的这个分句用部分倒装。


The activity was highly spoken of by both the teachers and students, for not only was it a chance to exercise, but also it was a proper occasion for the students to cultivate team spirit.


Not only will our visit bring the elderly help, but it will also make them feel loved and cared.

5. 含蓄虚拟条件句

可以含蓄表达虚拟条件的有词but for(要不是), without(如果没有), or, otherwise(否则)等。


Without / But for your generous help, I could have dropped out of school.

6. 三大从句





Im Li Hua, a Chinese student who is taking a summer course in London now.


As the capital of China, Beijing is the largest city in North China, where you can visit many places of interest.


The Mid-Autumn Festival, which falls on August 15 of Chinese Lunar Calendar, is meant to be an occasion(moment)for family reunions.


Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party, but I regret to tell you that I am unable to accept your kind invitation, for which I would like to apologize to you sincerely.


I have a good command of spoken English, which allows me to communicate with others fluently.


A wonderful skipping competition was held on the school football field last Friday, whose purpose is to enrich the students lives, build them up and relieve their academic stress.


As we all know/As is known to us all, practice makes perfect.




Besides, what worries me most is that I am really nervous when taking exam.


I wonder if the school could place more dustbins around and set up specific rules against littering.


Im convinced that our field trip will be an unforgettable experience with your help.


That is why I recommend the Great Wall to you.


In spite of the fact that I fall behind others in study, I dont lose heart.




I would appreciate it if you could take my application into account/consideration.


Since the deadline is next Friday, would you please send the paper to me before Thursday?(原因状语从句)


In the beginning, I felt it so difficult to learn English that I wanted to give it up.(结果状语从句)


[例29]As the saying goes,“Every coin has two sides”。俗话说“凡事都有两面”。



1. 表示起始与时间顺序衔接词

常用的有to begin/start with, first/firstly, first of all, next, then, after that, later, soon, finally, in the end, eventually, at last, recently等。


First of all, the most important thing is to set a goal, work out a plan and then carry it out step by step.

2. 表示转折关系的衔接词

主要有yet, and yet, but, while(虽然), although, though, on the contrary, however等。


While/Though/Although shopping on the Internet brings great convenience to our life, it also causes some problems.

Or: Shopping on the Internet brings great convenience to our life, yet/and yet /but it also causes some problems.


However, I was busy preparing for my final exam at that time, which was of great importance to me.

3. 表示列举与递进关系的衔接词

主要有that is(to say), in other words, such as, for instance, and so on, not only...but(also), whats more, whats worse, besides, in addition, worse still, moreover, above all, on(the)one hand, on the other hand; for one thing, for another等。


For one thing, I can earn some money by taking part in a part-time job; for another, I can gain some experience from it.


Besides/In addition/Whats more, I am a member of a painting club, from which I have built up my social experience and knowledge about different styles of paintings.


Whats worse, I am not good at communicating with my classmates.


There are various activities on the farm, such as pulling out the weeds, picking apples, feeding chickens, and milking the cows.

4. 表达观点与总结的衔接词

表达观点的词语主要有in my opinion/view, from my point of view, as far as I am concerned, as for me, personally, I think/believe...等;表示总结的主要有in a word, on the whole, in short, briefly, in brief, to sum up, in all, generally speaking等。


In a word, if all of us do our bits in garage sorting, our school will become more and more beautiful.


As far as Im concerned, everyone should obey the rules and the government should take relevant measures to regulate the management and solve these problems.


Your handwriting counts! 规范工整的书写,会让阅卷老师为你的作文提高一个档次。所以平时要舍得花点时间练好英文书法,养成规范书写的好习惯,你的作文就会在芸芸众生中脱颖而出。


(一)你是光明中学学生会主席李华, 假期快到了, 你写一封推荐信,帮助你的同学李明应聘以下三份兼职中的一份:一是给外籍人员做中国肢体语言培训师(trainer),二是到迪士尼乐园做导游,三是到星巴克咖啡店(Starbucks)做服务员。内容包括:

1. 写信的目的;

2. 李明的能力;

3. 期望。


Dear Sir / Madam,


(二)假如你是李华,是学校戏剧社的负责人。你的外国朋友Mike写信向你咨询即将在校社团周(Association Week)上演的校剧《木兰从军记》的信息,请你结合以下要点给他回复:

1. 戏剧表演的时间、地点;

2. 该戏剧的主要内容与观剧意义;

3. 看戏建议。



Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am Li Hua, president of the Students Union in Guangming High School(同位语). My classmate, Li Ming(同位语), hopes to take a part-time job as a guide for Disneyland, so I am writing to recommend him.

As far as I am concerned(表达观点), Li Ming can make the best candidate of a good guide. First of all(表示顺序), as a big fan of Disney movies, he has a good knowledge of Disney cartoon characters, which enables him to tell fantastic stories to visitors(非限制性定语从句). Then(表示顺序)with yearsexperience as a member of our Student Union, he is quick to notice what helps peoples needs(宾语从句). Lastly(表示顺序), he speaks English so fluently that it wont be a problem for him to communicate with foreign visitors(结果状语从句).

I am convinced that you will be more than glad to have him as a member of your company(宾语从句). Feel free to contact me if you need anything more about him(条件状语从句). Hopefully, you will consider my recommendation.


Dear Mike,

Glad to receive your letter. Knowing you are interested in the play Mu Lan Joins the Army(現在分词作状语), which is going to be put on in our Association Week(非限制性定语从句), Im pleased to tell you something about it.

As scheduled(方式状语/非限制性定语从句的省略), the play will begin at 7:00 pm and last about two hours this Saturday in the school Concert Hall. Based on an old Chinese folktale(过去分词作状语), the play is mainly about how a young Chinese girl, Mu Lan, joins the all-man army in her old fathers place and ends up winning military honors(宾语从句). What earns it lasting popularity(主语从句)is Mu Lans talent in fighting and her perseverance, which proves that females are as capable as males of courage(非限制性定语从句).

To gain maximum enjoyment and understanding(不定式作目的状语), you can learn more about its background and make sure to arrive earlier for a good seat. If you have any question(条件状语从句), just let me know.

责任编辑 蒋小青

Brain remembers language better if you sing it