
2008-10-18 08:59杨苗苗
中学英语之友·中 2008年9期


Unit 5

1.【原句】Can you come to my party? 你能来参加我的聚会吗?

【解析】Can/Could you…?你能……吗?Cant you…?难道你不能……吗?这两个句型用于邀请,适用于熟人、平辈之间。“Cant you…?”在语气上更强烈一些,而“Could you…?” 较“Can you…?” 更客气一点。常用的邀请句型还有:Would you like/love to…?你愿意……吗?Will you please…?请你……好吗?Shall we…?我们……好吗?接受邀请的表达有:①Certainly/Sure/Yes, Id like/love to. Thank you(for inviting/asking me).②Yes, its very nice/kind of you.③With pleasure. 拒绝邀请的表达有:①Sorry, Im afraid I cant./Im afraid not.②Id love to, but…③Sorry, I cant. But thanks all the same.如:

——Can you come over and join us for the class meeting?


——Sorry, Im afraid I cant. 对不起,恐怕不能。

2.【原句】Sure,Id love to. 当然了,我乐意去。

【解析】此句中sure相当于of course/certainly/yes。Id love to是I would love to的缩写形式,常用来回答对方客气的邀请,也可以用Id like to来表示,意思是我愿意…,其中的to不可以省略。如:

——Would you love to go to the movies with me?


——Sure, Id love to.是的,我很愿意。

——Can you come to my birthday party?


——Sure, Id like to. 当然了,我愿意去。

3.【原句】Sorry, I cant. I have a piano lesson.


【解析】此句中sorry代替no,表示委婉拒绝别人的邀请,相当于Im afraid…。如:

——Tom, can you come to my birthday party?


——Im sorry, I cant/Im afraid not. 很抱歉,我不能来。

have a piano lesson上钢琴课,而give sb. a lesson表示“给某人一个教训。” have在此不是“有”的意思。再如:have a meeting开会,have a swimming游泳,have a rest休息,have a walk散步,have a look看一看,have a try试一试,have a good time过得高兴。如:

The terrible traffic accident gave us a lesson.


4.【原句】I have too much homework this weekend.


【解析】本句中too much表示“太多的…”,相当于much,用来修饰不可数名词,也可用来修饰动词和副词。如:

There is too much rain in the south. 南方雨水太多。

If you eat too much, you will get fat.


而too many表示“太多的…”,相当于many,用来修饰可数名词。如:

There are too many cars in Beijing. 在北京车辆太多。

much too表示“太……”,相当于too,用来修饰形容词。如:

The coat is much too big for me. 这件外套对我来说太大了。

this weekend表示“在这周末”,on weekends“在周末”(周六和周日),on the weekend意为“那个周末”,指说话双方都明白的、特定的那个周末,若weekend前面有this/that/next时,要把on去掉;on weekdays指“在工作日”(除周六、周日以外的五天)。如:

I am leaving for Beijing this weekend. 本周末我去北京。

5.【原句】Whats today? 今天星期几/几号?

【解析】“Whats today?”是一个询问日期的特殊疑问句的简略形式,相当于“Whats the date today?”(今天是几号?)或“What day is it today?”(今天是星期几?)。回答的时候,除非有明确要求,否则可以回答“今天是×号”“今天是×月×号”或者“今天是星期×”“今天是×月×号,星期×”。如:

Whats today? 今天星期几/几号?

Today is Monday/September 1st, Monday.


6.【原句】Thank you for your invitation谢谢你的邀请。

【解析】Thank you for…“因……而感谢”,for后可接名词或动名词,即 Thank you for sth.=Thank you for doing sth.。如:

Thank you for your help.=Thank you for helping me. 谢谢你帮助我。

Thank you for inviting my mother. 谢谢你邀请我妈妈。

本句型还可表示为Thanks a lot/very much for…非常感谢……。

invitation是“邀请”的名词,其动词为invite意思是“邀请”,词组:invite sb. to a place邀请某人去某地,invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人去干某事,invite相当于ask。如:

Thank you for asking/inviting me to your party.


7.【原句】Please call me after the vacation.


【解析】本句中call sb.意思是“给某人打电话”,相当于call sb. up/ring sb./ring sb. up/give sb. a call(ring)/make a telephone call to sb./telephone sb.如:Please call me up after school.放学后请给我打电话。

另外call还用作①be+called+名词,“被称作、被叫作”。如:He is called Tom.他叫汤姆。②call+宾语+名词,“把某人/物叫作”。如:People call him Jack.人们叫他杰克。③名词+called+名字,“名叫……的人或物”,这里 called是过去分词作后置定语。如:

I know a man called Jim. 我认识一个名叫吉姆的人。

8.【原句】Please keep quiet! Im trying to study.


【解析】keep quiet=be quiet保持安静,keep后跟形容词,表示保持或处于某种状态。如:keep healthy保持健康,keep open开着,keep closed关着。

本句try to do sth.意为“努力/尽力做某事”,相当于 try ones best to do sth.=do ones best to do sth.尽某人最大努力做某事,否定式为try not to do sth.如:Ill try not to read in bed. 我尽力不躺在床上看书。类似结构的动词有:tell, ask, order等。

try doing sth.表示“试着、尝试做某事”,表示做某件事情看看是否行得通,会有什么样的后果等,也就是进行某项试验。如:

They tried making a model plane. 他们试着做一个飞机模型。

She tried writing with a brush. 她试着用毛笔写字。

9.【原句】Fishing with grandpa the whole day.


【解析】the whole day一整天,whole表示“整个的,全部的”,强调完整无缺,不可分割的整体。修饰单数可数名词,修饰复数时表示“整整的”,有冠词/指示代词/所有格等限定词时whole放于它们之后。如:the whole class整个班级。It rains for three whole days.雨下了整整三天。


All the students are on the playground.所有学生都在操场上。

10.【原句】 Can you come over to my house Wednesday evening to discuss the science report?


【解析】本句中come over to是“从一个地方到另一个地方来”的意思,即“顺便来访”,to后接地点。还可表示“过来”,此时常用于祈使句和陈述句中。如:

Please come over to my house for supper if you get to Beijing.


11.【原句】——Can you come to my party?


——Im sorry I cant. 对不起,我不能。

——Oh, why not? 噢,为什么不能呢?

【解析】Why not?在对话中,表示一种惊奇、不高兴的反问。如:A: We are not going to Beijing tomorrow.明天我们不去北京了。B: Why not? Weare going to do some shopping there. 为什么不去?我们还要购物呢。

另外Why not…?句式中,not后面接动词原形,省略人称。①在一般现在时中,基本句型是:Why not+动词原形+其它?=Why dont/doesnt+人称+动词原形+其它?例如:Why not go home with me? =Why dont you go home with me?你为什么不和我一起回家?——He is often late for school. ——Why not get up a little earlier in the morning?=——He is often late for school. ——Why doesnt he get up a little earlier in the morning?“他经常迟到。“为什么早晨不早点儿起床呢?”②在一般过去时中,基本句型是:Why not+动词原形+其它?=Why didnt+人称+动词原形+其它?如:

Why not have lunch at school yesterday?=Why didnt you have lunch at school yesterday? 昨天你为什么不在学校吃午饭呢?

Unit 6

12.【原句】Here are photos of me and my twin sister Liu Ying. 这是我和我的双胞胎姊妹刘英的照片。

【解析】这里是以there或here开头的倒装句,若主语为代词时,主谓不倒装。如:There it is.它在那儿。Here she comes.她来了。倒装句的谓语取决于主语,主语为单数,谓语就用单数,主语为复数,谓语就用复数。若主语为名词,状语提前时,使用完全倒装(即Here/There等状语+谓语+名词主语)。如:

There goes the bell.铃响了。

At the head of the queue was an old woman。


There comes the bus. 公共汽车来了。

13.【原句】However,we both enjoy going to parties.


【解析】however①作连词“可是、不过、然而”,相当于but,不过二者不可同时使用。however表示一种较松弛的转折关系,在句中位置灵活,作插入语可放在句首或句末,一般用逗号与句子分开。如:However, he did not seem to like learning English.不过,他似乎并不喜欢学英语。 ②作副词“无论……怎么样、不管……如何”,用来修饰形容词/副词,也可引导从句。如:

However cold it is, she is always the first to come to school.


enjoy“喜欢、享受某种乐趣”,后接名词/代词或动名词作宾语,不可接不定式。另外enjoy还可与反身代词连用,即“enjoy oneself=have a good/nice/wonderful time=have fun”过得高兴、玩得愉快。如:They had fun in the zoo.=They had a good/great/nice/wonderful time in the zoo.=They enjoyed themselves in the zoo.他们在动物园玩得很开心。

14.【原句】We both like sports, although Liu Ying is more athletic than me. 我们俩都喜欢运动,然而刘英的体格比我健美。

【解析】although用来引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然……但是”,但不能说“although/though…, but…”,也就是说从句中用了although,不能在主句前加but,用了but就不能再用although/though,although=though,although是较正式用语,引导的从句多位于句首,though是非正式用语,引导的从句位于主句前后均可,当表示强调时用even though,不可用even although。如:

Even though I didnt understand a word, I kept smiling.


Although/Though he is in poor health, he works hard.=He is in poor health, but he works hard. 尽管他身体不好,但是工作很努力。

15.【原句】She is a little more outgoing than me.


【解析】本句中more outgoing是outgoing的比较级,多音节和一些双音节词变比较级要加more,最高级要加most。如:more intellectual, most intellectual, more athletic, most athletic。如:Are you more athletic than your brother? 你比你弟弟强壮吗?He is the more outgoing of the two. 他是我们俩人中比较外向的。

本句中的a little和much, a lot, a bit, still, even, far等可以用来修饰形容词的比较级,表示程度,起强调作用。如:

My room is a little smaller than yours. 我的房间比你的稍小一点儿。

16.【原句】I think a good friend makes me laugh.


【解析】本句是make sb. do sth.“使某人做某事”,是省略to的不定式。如:It makes me feel thirsty.这使我感到口渴。The boss makes the workerswork 13 hours every day. 老板让工人们每天工作13小时。

make用作动词“使得”作宾补的形容词,表示某种状态、方式。如:The bad news made him ill.这个不幸的消息使他病倒了。

make的常用词组:make ones bed收拾床铺, make money 赚钱, make ones way to往……走去, make it约定时间,做到按时到达, make faces做鬼脸, make friends交朋友, make tea沏茶, make a mistake 犯错误, make a telephone call 打电话, make a noise吵闹, make a living 谋生, make room for给……腾出地方。

17.【原句】Its not necessary to be the same. 相同是不必要的。

【解析】句中it是形式主语,动词不定式是真正的主语,句中结构为“It is+形容词+(for sb.)+to do sth.”,其中sb.为宾格代词或名词。It is+形容词+for sb.+to do sth.此句型可换为: Its+形容词+that从句,或To do sth.is+形容词。如:

Its better for you to live alone for some time.=It is better that you live alone for some time.=To live alone for some time is better.


Its important to eat a balanced diet.=To eat a balanced diet is important. 均衡饮食是很重要的。

18.【原句】Paul is never quiet!He cant stop talking.


【解析】本句中stop talking停止谈话。stop doing sth.表示“停止正在做的事”动名词作宾语。如: When the teacher came into the classroom, thestudents stopped talking and laughing.当老师来到教室时,学生们停止了说笑。Stop making so much noise!My father is sleeping.不要制造那么多噪音,我爸爸在睡觉。stop to do sth.表示停下正在做的事情去做另外一件事情,如:He stopped to talk to me.他停下手头的活和我谈起来。

另外stop还可构成 stop from doing sth.句型,意为“阻止……做某事”。如:

The heavy rain stopped us from going out. 大雨阻止了我们外出。


1. ——Would you like to go boating with me?


A. Yes, Id love to B. Thats right

C. Yes, please D. Quite well

2. ——Can you come to my home to dinner?

——Yes, ____.

A. I wouldnt B. Id like C. I would D. Id love to

3. His father is very angry and decides to give him ____.

A. class B. classes C. lesson D. a lesson

4. 用too many/much too/too much填空

①There are ____ people waiting for the bus at the bus stop.

②Its ____ hot this summer.

③We have ____ meat to cut every day.

5. The students arent having any classes ____ this afternoon!

A. in B. at C. on D. ×

6. This woman ____ his mother.

A. maybe B. may be C. may is D. perhaps

7. ——____?

——Its Saturday.

A. Whats the date B. What time is it

C. What day is it today D. How much is it

8. Thanks ____ for your invitation.

A. lot B. much C. a lot D. lots of

9. Please call me as soon as you get to school.

同义句Please ____ ____ ____ as soon as you get to school.

10. ——What is this ____ in Chinese?

——We ____ it “Maobi”.

A. called, called B. call, call C. called, call D. call, called

11. I shall try ____ the question.

A. to answer B. answer C. answered D. do answer

12. 用whole,all填空

①I told him the ____ story.

②This ____ week will be out of class.

③He ate ____ the food.

13. Hi, Lin Tao!____. Here is a seat for you.

A. Come true B. Come across C. Come from D. Come over

14. Why not go out for a walk? 改为同义句

Why ____ you ____ ____ for a walk?

15. A: Lets not go to the restaurant.

B: ____? I am a little hungry.

A. Why not B. Why do C. Where D. What


1. We did ____ Mr. Hu told us and we won the first place in the

league at last.

A. though B. like C. as D. while

2. ——Where is Li Lei?

——Look!Here ____.

A. he has B. has he C. he comes D. comes he

3. ——I left my pen at home.

——____; use mine.

A. Here are you B. Here it is

C. Here is it D. Here you are

4. Some boys of Class One enjoy ____ music.

A. listen to B. listens to C. listening to D. listened to

5. 改错:

My father enjoys to take a walk after supper.


6. 改错Although it was so cold, but he went out without an overcoat.

7. ——Do you like western food?

——No. The food of our country is ____ that of western countries.

A. rather good than B. much better than

C. more better than D. not so good as

8. The coat is ____ nice, but its ____ more expensive than that one.

A. much, much B. very, very C. much, veryD. very, much

9. The Yellow River is ____ the Changjiang River.

A. not so long as B. as long as

C. not long as D. longer than

10. Li Ming is good at playing football.

同义句Li Ming ____ ____ ____ playing football.

11.“Dont always make Michael ____ this or that. He is always a big boy, dear.” Mr. Bush said to his wife.

A. do B. to do C. does D. did

12. ——What made you so ____?

——The noise upstairs.

A. angrily B. angry C. happy D. happily

13. 翻译:对我们来说今天很难完成这项工作。

____ difficult ____ ____ ____ finish the work today.

14. He was very tired. So he ____ a rest.

A. stop to having B. stopped having

C. stopped have D. stopped to have

Keys:一、1.A 2.D 3.D 4. ①too many ②much too ③too much 5.D ⒍B7.C 8.C 9.ring me up/call me up 10.C 11.A 12.①whole ②whole ③all 13.D 14.dont, go out 15.A二、1.C 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.C to take改为taking 6.去掉but 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.does well in 11.A 12.B 13.Its, for us to 14.D

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