
2014-09-25 01:16赵新明
卷宗 2014年8期


摘 要:在應用文本的翻译过程中,语境分析能力是影响译者翻译水平的重要因素之一。本文将以外宣文本的翻译为例,从语言语境角度讨论译者容易出现的翻译失误,并分析其产生原因,帮助译者了解应用文本翻译中语境分析的重要性。


1 引言

应用翻译又称实用翻译,国外的相应提法有practical translation, applied translation或pragmatic translation。对于应用翻译的定义,许多学者都作了分析和研究。法国翻译理论家Jean Delisle认为:“以传达信息为根本目的,运用语用学的原则来翻译实用性文本。它特别区别于传达有较强感情意义和文学意义的文学翻译。(转引自方梦之,2008:前言)应用翻译几乎包括文学及纯理论文本以外的人们日常接触和实际应用的各类文字,涉及对外宣传、社会生活、生产领域等方方面面。(方梦之,2008:前言)具体的包括科技、经贸、新闻、法律、旅游、广告、政论等各类应用文本。

语言语境(linguistic context)又称上下文语境,主要指语言本身所构成的语言使用环境,包括词、短语和语句以及篇章之间的关系等。通过对上下文的分析,可以帮助译者从语言意义方面来推断相对应的语义,排除语言信息传递过程中的很多歧义。翻译过程中要首先保证词语译得正确,段与段之间句子安排得当,文气贯通,逻辑明晰,再注重段与段之间的连接及全文的流畅。(李运兴,2003:100)只有进行语境分析,才能准确理解和传达原文中的词语、短语及语句等语言单位的意思,从而选择出适合于语境的译文。

2 应用文本翻译中的语言语境分析

2.1 词汇的选择



初译:On November 23rd, 2003, the Golden Concert Hall, Vienna, Austria. The personal concert by Song Zuying, the world-renowned Chinese soprano. As the concert was drawing to an end, a Xiangxi folk song named A Lampstand on the Mulberry Tree resounded through the golden hall.

定稿:November 23rd, 2003, the Golden Concert Hall, Vienna, Austria. A solo vocal concert by Song Zuying, the world-renowned Chinese soprano. As the concert was drawing to an end, a Xiangxi folk song named A Lampstand on the Mulberry Tree resounded through the golden hall.

笔者初译中 “personal”的涵义为“opinion, quality, or thing belongs or relates to one particular person rather than to other people,” 而定稿中的“solo”一词涵义是 “a piece of music or a dance performed by one person.” 可以更准确的表达此意。定稿的选词应要优于初稿。因此,译者应当根据具体的语言语境体味出词汇的内涵意义。


初译:Hu Guixiang can no longer sing exactly like she did in the past, possibly because she has not practiced for a long time or she feels awkward to perform before strangers. As she sings, the folks around her start laughing, and eventually she cant help but burst into laughing too. Nonetheless, in the old days these sad crying songs always moved the listeners to tears.

定稿:Hu Guixiang can no longer sing exactly like she did in the past, possibly because she has not practiced for a long time and she feels awkward performing in front of strangers. As she sings, the folks around her start giggling, and eventually she cant help but burst into laughing too. Nonetheless, in the old days these sad crying songs always moved the listeners to tears.



2.2 短语的搭配


不同的语言中都有不同的规则来制约词汇的搭配。在应用翻译中, 我们需要根据短语的搭配关系来确定词汇的意义,不可忽视原文的干扰而产生了不恰当的搭配, 这将会影响意思的传达效果。如下例:


初译:The custom of crying songs has already become a history. Today, the young Tujia people decide their own marriage, and their wedding ceremonies have become more happy and joyful. Its rare to hear people sing the crying song now.

定稿:The custom of crying songs has already passed into history. Today, the young Tujia people decide their own marriage, and their wedding ceremonies have become more happy and joyful. Its rare to hear people sing the crying song now.

从中文表达上看,哭嫁的风俗成为历史是说得通的,而在英语表达中“to become a history”还是比较少,我们从become的涵义“enter or assume a certain state or condition”可以看出become是一个短暂性动词。定稿中使用了“to pass into”这个词组就是一个延续性的动词词组,更符合了译语的表达逻辑。

2.3 句子的衔接




初译:Lee-Lee-Mei is an expression praising the female beauty in the Lingao dialect. And the lyrics of these songs in general are about love and romance.

定稿:Lee-Lee-Mei is an expression praising the female beauty in the Lingao dialect. Accordingly, the lyrics of these songs are generally about love and romance.


例5:……? 千百年来,在这曾经的蛮荒之地,他们又是如何繁衍生息?有趣的是,这些问题的答案竟然掩藏在古老的方言民歌之中。

初译:And for thousands of years how they have survived and lived on an island that was once desolate and wild. Interestingly, the answers to our questions lie in those ancient folk songs sung in various Hainan dialects.

定稿:…, or how they have survived for thousands of years on an island that was once desolate and wild. Interestingly, however, the answers to our questions lie in the ancient folk songs sung in various Hainan dialects.



初译:In recent years when cultural exchange is thriving, many Tujia old traditions have faded away. Located in Yongshun County of Hunan Province, the village has few connections with the outside world, and Tujia peoples traditional lifestyle is very well-preserved.

定稿:In recent years as cultural exchange has increased, many Tujia old traditions have faded away. But Shuangfeng Village is an exception. Located in Yongshun County of Hunan Province, the village has few connections with the outside world, and Tujia peoples traditional lifestyle is very well-preserved.


对一个有意义的可接受的语篇来说,它在语言各层次(如语义、词汇、句法、语音等)的成分都可以表现出某种程度的衔接,从而是说话人在交际过程中所欲表达的意图贯通整个语篇,达到交际目的(胡壮麟, 1994:180)

2.4 段落的连贯

连贯(李运兴,2001:160)是词语、小句、句群在概念、逻辑上合理、恰当地连为一体的语篇特征。 连贯性原则要求语篇段落中各句都要前后衔接,时空顺序明晰,逻辑推进层次分明。如下例:



初译:As the song unfolds, its primitive and simple tune seems to bring us back to the ancient time.

Over 2000 years ago, an army of Han Dynasty led by Ma Yuan, the illustrious Fubo General, landed ashore on the island and camped separately in the northwestern fields. In the successive dynasties, these camping sites turned into regular garrison posts.

定稿:As the song unfolds, its primitive and simple tune seems to bring historical scenes from two thousand years ago to life.

Back in the Han Dynasty, an army led by Ma Yuan, the illustrious Fubo General, landed on the island and set up camps throughout the northwestern plains. In the succeeding dynasties, these camping sites turned into regular garrison posts.

原文前一段中“引領着我们穿越了历史”就为下文中2000年前汉朝所发生的历史事件。初译中“to bring us back to the ancient time”和“over 2000 years ago”的关系不够明确,前者的时间不一定是后者的时间。定稿的译文很巧妙地把“历史”和“2000年前”的时空关系连接起来,自然地引出下文。例句8中的情况“like this”也起到了同样作用。



初译:Laosicheng used to be the political and cultural center of Xiangxi region. Tujia people describe the citys prosperity in a folk song:

Tujia Folk Song: An Ode to the Ancient Time

PengZumo, a local singer for Maogusi Dance and Hand-Waving Song

定稿:Laosicheng used to be the political and cultural center of Xiangxi region. Tujia people describe the citys prosperity in a folk song like this:

Tujia Folk Song: An Ode to the Ancient Time

PengZumo, a local singer for Maogusi Dance and Hand-Waving Song


3 结语

本文主要以外宣文本的汉英翻译为例,探讨了语言语境分析在应用文本翻译中的运用。笔者认为翻译和语境有着十分密切的关系,语言语境是不可或缺的部分。译者要树立起高度的语境意识,对原文进行深入分析,把握原文的真正意图,正确理解词义、短语和语句,这样才能保证高质量的翻译, 实现英汉两种语言之间有效的转换。




[1]方梦之. 2008. 英汉-汉英应用翻译综合教程[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社.

[2]李运兴. 2001. 语篇翻译引论[M]. 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司.

[3]郭 林. 2011. 论语境在翻译中的重要作用[J]. 语文学刊(4):81-82.

[4]胡壮麟. 1994. 语篇的衔接与连贯[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社.