
2016-03-09 10:55宾果汪天富秦璟周煜翔但果黄炳升
国际医学放射学杂志 2016年2期

宾果 汪天富 秦璟 周煜翔 但果 黄炳升






【Abstract】Juvenile epilepsy is a syndrome with high prevalence and various seizure forms,and has great impact on the development of brain cortex as well as cognitive competence.In order to improve the diagnosis and treatment at early stage,it is essential to study the change of cortical thickness in these patients.Cortical thickness can carry useful information of brain morphologic and pathological characteristics,and is a potentially important biomarker in the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy.This review covers the findings about the relationship between cortical thickness abnormalities and seizure duration,clinical symptoms and antiepileptic drugs of patients with juvenile epilepsy.

【Key words】Epilepsy;Juvenile;Magnetic resonance imaging;Cortical thickness

Int J Med Radiol,2016,39(2):123-126

脑皮质定义为大脑灰质,即依附在大脑左右半球表面的一层灰质结构。人类的大脑皮质是由高度卷曲、皱褶的神经元、神经胶质和神经纤维组成,平均厚度为2.5~3.0 mm。大脑皮质被认为是人脑高级神经中枢,是大脑长时间进化的结果,在人体的调节机制中发挥着重要作用。随着大脑结构的发育、成熟、老化和相关病理的改变,脑皮质厚度在相应区域也会发生变化,这就表明脑皮质厚度不仅与大脑结构自然生理变化相关联,而且能够从一定程度上反映中枢神经系统疾病所引起的大脑结构形态学变化[4-5]。目前,基于结构磁共振成像(structural MRI,sMRI)对大脑皮质的研究主要集中在脑皮质厚度的测量上,采用基于sMRI的表面形态学测量方法,测量脑皮质厚度的变化,以揭示相关疾病的演变过程、致病原因,并对其预后进行评估。




1 sMRI用于癫?检测的优势与限度

2 青少年癫?大脑皮质厚度的sMRI研究


3 小结与展望




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An overview on the research of cortical thickness of juvenile epilepsy based on structural magnetic resonance imaging

BIN Guo,WANG Tianfu,QIN Jing,ZHOU Yuxiang,DAN Guo,HUANG Bingsheng.Department of Biomedical Engineering School of Medicine,National-Regional Key Technology Engineering Laboratory for Medical Ultrasound,Guangdong Key Laboratory for Biomedical Measurements and Ultrasound Imaging,Shenzhen University,Shenzhen 518060,China
