Recent Development of Computer Science Education in Japan

2017-05-31 13:19JieLi
计算机教育 2017年5期


In this special section, two introductive papers from Waseda University and the University of Aizu are selected for the introduction of recent development of computer science education in Japan. Waseda University is one of top and comprehensive private universities in Japan. The University of Aizu is a public university and the first university dedicated to computer science engineering in Japan. The University of Aizu advocates "advancement of knowledge for humanity" and carries out significant research in computer science.

The first paper Interdisciplinary Approach to Education and Research in Computer Science and Information Technology at Waseda University by Professor Qun Jin introduces the recent development and activities in promoting interdisciplinary education and research in computer science and information technology, industry-academia-government collaboration, being a state-of-the-art educational research base for the Asia-Pacific region, and well-being oriented education and research practice at department of human informatics and cognitive sciences.

The second paper Distinguished University Focusing on Computer Science and Engineering Education for Cultivation of Global IT Innovators by Professsors Zixue Cheng, Qiangfu Zhao, Shuxue Ding, Abderazek Ben Abdallah, and Wenxi Chen introduces the founding philosophy and features of the University of Aizu. The research labs in machine learning and its applications, signal and information processing, neuro-computing, adaptive computing systems, and biomedical engineering have been focused. The international collaboration with China and the world and the activities of cultivating of Global IT Innovators are provided too.

I hope and believe that these two papers could provide an informative overview about the recent development of computer science education in Japan.

I would like to thank the Editor-in-Chief of Computer Education, Ms. XI Chunyan and Ms. PENG Yuanhong, the managing editor of Computer Education for their guidance, patience, encouragement and great support in editing this special section. I am also grateful to Professor Qun Jin and Professors Zixue Cheng, Qiangfu Zhao, Shuxue Ding, Abderazek Ben Abdallah, and Wenxi Chen for time and great efforts in preparing the papers.