
2017-11-13 03:27孙谊媊于永军马天娇
农业工程学报 2017年20期

李 青,孙谊媊,于永军,王 琛,马天娇


李 青1,孙谊媊1,于永军1,王 琛1,马天娇2

(1. 国网新疆电力有限公司电力科学研究院,电网技术中心,乌鲁木齐 830000;2. 新疆铁道职业技术学院,乌鲁木齐 830000)

为提高光伏电站短期功率预测的精度,提出一种基于经验小波变换(empirical wavelet transform, EWT))和核最小最大概率回归机(kernel mini max probability machine regression,KMPMR)的组合预测模型,对晴天、阴天和雨天3种天气类型下的光伏电站出力分别进行了预测分析。该文首先采用EWT将相似日光伏功率序列分解为具有特征差异的AM-FM分量,然后根据各AM-FM分量的变化特点建立相应的KMPMR预测模型分别进行预测并叠加得到最终预测结果。试验结果表明,相比SVM方法,该文方法在晴天、阴天和雨天可提高预测精度(MAE)分别为56.19%、54.15%和76.33%;相比EMD-KMPMR方法,在降低近一半左右计算规模的同时,可提高预测精度(MAE)分别为9.42%、38.74%和64.52%。以阿克苏地区光伏电站实际运行数据进行试验验证表明,该文方法在3种天气类型下均可取得较高的预测精度。


0 引 言


目前,中国不同地区的短期光伏功率预测模式和方法均有不同,离市区较近且气象观测站资源丰富地区的光伏电站,一般采用物理方法进行预测,该方法通过光伏组件参数、电厂地理位置信息及气象数据等参数来建立太阳辐照传递方程、光伏组件运行方程等物理方程进行预测,但其建模过复杂,模型自适应性差,难以准确预测突变天气下的光伏电站出力[5-9]。中国大多光伏电站均位于偏远地区,地理位置信息和气象观测数据很难准确获取,因此,以神经网络为主的各种统计分析方法在短期光伏功率预测中应用较多,其本质是通过模拟历史积累数据的运行规律来实现光伏电站出力预测。以SVM和其他各种计算智能方法为主的直接预测方法以及以预测太阳辐照强度为基础进而得到光伏功率的间接预测方法目前已经取得了较为成功的应用[10-13]。然而,在数据变化剧烈的非常规天气状态下,基于神经网络的单一预测方法很难取得较高的预测精度。以小波分析和经验模态分解(empiricalmode decomposition,EMD)为主的各种信号预处理方法已被成功地应用在了光伏功率序列预处理中,可实现对初始光伏功率序列的平稳化处理,进而为智能预测方法提供有利的输入数据,有效改善了单一预测方法在光伏功率波动剧烈区间预测精度不高的问题。然而,小波分析法是一种需要事先设定基函数,依赖于主观经验的非自适应分解方法;EMD存在较为严重的模态混叠现象,容易产生虚假的模态分量,且分解分量个数多,计算规模大,增加了组合预测方法的计算量[14-18]。

在EMD的基础上,文献[19]以小波分析为理论框架,提出了经验小波变换(empirical wavelet transform, EWT)法,其核心思想是通过构造合适的正交小波滤波器组对信号的Fourier谱进行自适应划分,以提取具有紧支撑傅里叶频谱的AM-FM成分。EWT是在小波框架下建立的自适应分解方法,相比于EMD,其具有理论性强,计算量小,分解的模态个数少,不存在难以解释的虚假模态分量的优点[20-21]。

核最小最大概率分类机(kernel minimax probability machine classification, KMPMC)通过引进核函数在高维空间实现非线性分类,是一种基于高阶统计信息的特征提取模型。核最小最大概率回归机(KMPMR)建立在KMPMC的基础上,将回归建模问题看作概率建模的一种形式,对模型分布不作具体假设,仅需给定模型数据分布的均值与协方差矩阵,能够最大化模型的预测输出位于其真实值边界内的最小概率[22-25]。


1 经验小波变换



Note: Section [0,π] of Fourier is devided tosuccessive parts,ωis the midpoints of two adjacent maximum value; 2τis the width of shaded area.


Fig.1Partitioning of Fourier axis




2 核最小最大概率回归机

2.1 回归模型



2.2 基于核的最小最大概率分类







3.1 相似日数据选取方法


3.2 算法实现步骤









4 短期光伏功率预测试验

4.1 研究概况及方法

阿克苏地区太阳能资源丰富,年均辐射量为5 514.6 MJ/m2,该区域位于新疆中天山南麓,塔里木盆地西北缘,具有典型的暖温带大陆性干旱气候特征,四季分明,冬冷夏热,降水稀少,年、季变化大,日照充足,气温年较差和日较差大;大唐阿克苏光伏一电站位于距阿克苏市直线距离约19 km处,装机总容量为20 MW,厂站光伏阵列安装采用固定支架式安装,倾角为36°,光伏组件类型采用单晶硅太阳电池组件。



预测评价指标采用均方根误差(root mean square error, RMSE)、平均绝对误差(mean absolute error, MAE)及相关度(),即

图2 基于EWT-KMPMR预测流程图

4.2 结果与分析

4.2.1 晴天光伏功率预测实例分析

夏日,阿克苏地区的光伏出力大约处在07:45至21:45,采用Corrcoef函数选取阿克苏地区2015年6月中天气类型为晴天的光伏功率数据(图3),以6月23日为基准,可以得到相似度计算结果如表1所示。图3为各相似日光伏出力对比,可以看出,与表1计算结果一致,除6月7日个别样本点外,各相似日的变化趋势和光伏出力基本一致,因此选取表1中前4 d的数据作为训练样本,以15 min为步长,预测6月23日07:45-21:45的光伏发电出力。

表1 相似度计算结果

图3 晴天光伏功率曲线

首先,采用EMD和EWT对5 d(每天07:45至21:45间隔为15 min的57个样本点,共285个样本点)的光伏功率时间序列分别进行分解,分解结果如图4和图5所示,可以看出,EWT和EMD的分解结果差异较大,EWT分解得到3个模态分量(0-2),而EMD分解得到5个模态分量,因此,EWT可以有效地降低构建预测模型的个数,进而降低了组合预测的计算规模。EMD分解得到的IMF分量中产生了一定的虚假模态分量(IMF3-IMF5完全可以用一个模态分量的形式呈现),不利于提取出具有真实物理意义的光伏功率子序列,相比而言,EWT的各分解分量之间具有明显的特征差异。首先,0(经验尺度分量)为平稳分量,几乎可以取得100%的预测精度;1的波动较为规律,与晴天时光伏出力的整个变化趋势相一致,也可以取得很高的预测精度,分量2的变化较为剧烈,会产生一定的预测误差,但其幅值很小,不会为最终的预测结果带来太大的累积误差。

图4 EMD分解结果

图5 EWT分解结果

图6 光伏功率预测结果对比



4.2.2 阴天光伏功率预测实例分析

阴天环境下光伏出力受云层密度等多种因素的影响,具有明显的不规律性和波动性,以7月31日为基准,可以得到2 d(26日和28日)与31日相关度较高的数据(相关度>0.8),相关度计算结果如表1所示。

图7为3个相似日光伏出力对比,可以看出,相比晴天,阴天光伏出力相关度相对不高,但仍然具有一定的相似性,因此选取26日和28日的数据作为训练样本,以15 min为步长,预测7月31日07:45-21:45的光伏发电出力。

表2 不同KMPMR模型的参数取值

表3 EWT-KMPMR与其他预测方法的性能比较

图7 阴天光伏功率曲线


图8 EMD分解结果

图9 EWT分解结果

图10 光伏功率预测结果对比



4.2.3 雨天光伏功率预测实例分析

图11为包括6月28日在内的共计6 d雨天07:45-21:45时刻的光伏发电出力的序列变化趋势图,可看出雨天的光伏出力整体偏低,结合表1的相似度计算结果,以相关度(>0.8)为选取标准,选取表1中前5日的数据作为训练样本,以15 min为步长,预测6月28日07:45-21:45的光伏发电出力。

图11 雨天光伏功率曲线


图12 EMD分解结果

图13 EWT分解结果



图14 光伏功率预测结果对比

5 结 论


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Short-term photovoltaic power forecasting for photovoltaic power station based on EWT-KMPMR

Li Qing1, Sun Yiqian1, Yu Yongjun1, Wang Chen1, Ma Tianjiao2

(1830000,; 2.830000,)

As one of the renewable energy sources, photovoltaic generation technology has gradually become an important power generation method ranking only the second to the wind power generation technology, however, because of the uncontrollable influence factors that come from the day and night alternation and unstable meteorology condition, the output of photovoltaic power has intermittent and strong nonlinear characteristicsunavoidably. At present, the short-term photovoltaic power forecast models in different areas are not same, and the physical forecasting method was used in the photovoltaic power station that is close to downtown and the area with rich meteorological observatory resources, however, due to its complex modeling and poor adaptivity, it is difficult to predict the photovoltaic station power output accurately when the weather changes suddenly. SVM (support vector machine) and other various computational intelligence methods have been used widely in the short-term photovoltaic power forecast, whose essence is to simulate operation law of the historical data to implement the photovoltaic power station output prediction, so it is still difficult to achieve a higher prediction precision when the data change severely or under abnormal weather conditions by the single forecasting method based on neural network. Based on empirical wavelet transform (EWT) - kernel minimax probability machine regression (KMPMR), a kind of combined forecasting method is proposed to improve the short-term photovoltaic power forecasting accuracy, and the photovoltaic output power on sunny days, cloudy days and rainy days is forecasted and analyzed respectively. EWT inherits the advantages of empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and wavelet transform, and takes the advantages of strong theorization, small amount of computation and fewer decomposed modes. The KMPMR method achieves nonlinear data classification in the high-dimensional space with the help of kernel functions mapping, and minimizes the maximum probability of the classifier which was misclassified. Based on the advantages of EWT and KMPMR, at the same time, in view of the effect of the selection of training sample oneffectiveness of the predicted results, the Corrcoef function is used to obtain the training samples whose photovoltaic power output and change characteristics are parallel to the data of the forecast day, and then the photovoltaic power sequence is decomposed into different AM-FM components with different characteristics by using EWT. Finally, the different KMPMR model is used to forecast each AM-FM component according to their respective characteristics, and the predictive value of each component is superimposed to obtain the final prediction result. The experimental results show that the proposed method can improve the prediction accuracy, with the reduction of MAE (mean absolute error) and RMSE (root mean square error) of 56.19% and 55.19%, 54.15% and 53.36%, and 76.33% and 78.43% compared with the SVM method on sunny days, cloudy days and rainy days. Compared with the EMD-KMPMR method, the MAE and RMSE can be reduced by 9.42% and 9.59%, 38.74% and 33.96%, and 64.52% and 65.70% respectively. In the end, the experimental results show that the proposed method can obtain a higher prediction in 3 kinds of weather by using the actual operation data of photovoltaic power station in Aksu area. Inadditiontothis, through comparing the results of the 3 experiments, the improved prediction accuracy proportion of EWT-KMPMR method in the experiment of cloudy and rainy days is larger than that of sunny days. Therefore, the EWT-KMPMR method has a good application value for the photovoltaic power output prediction under non-conventional weather, which can effectively reduce the influence of randomness on photovoltaic power for the power grid safety and reliable operation.

power generation; models; power; photovoltaic power station; combined forecasting model; empirical wavelet transform; kernel minimax probability machine regression








李 青,男,甘肃天水人,助理工程师,研究方向为风电及光伏功率预测研究。Email:18699069836@163.com

李 青,孙谊媊,于永军,王 琛,马天娇. 基于EWT-KMPMR组合模型的光伏电站短期功率预测[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(20):265-273. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.20.033 http://www.tcsae.org

Li Qing, Sun Yiqian, Yu Yongjun, Wang Chen, Ma Tianjiao. Short-term photovoltaic power forecasting for photovoltaic power station based on EWT-KMPMR[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(20): 265-273. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.20.033 http://www.tcsae.org
