Rakova Jelša 城镇公园

2019-12-03 14:07Medprostor事务所
风景园林 2019年8期

Medprostor d.o.o.事务所






—伊万 · 米纳蒂,《你一定会爱上某个人》,1963年(阿拉斯代尔 · 麦金农译)

项目构思始于“愿景8(维齐耶·索 8)”展览。斯洛文尼亚卢布尔雅那市(Ljubljana)系列展览旨在对城市中被忽视的问题和逐渐消落的开放空间提出思考,该展览便是其中之一,由卢布尔雅那市建筑师协会、卢布尔雅那大学的建筑学院和生物技术学院2个学院的风景园林系师生主办并参与筹备。本次展览于2012年12月举办,位于长期丧失活力的大型城市开放空间—卢布尔雅那市重要的南北历史轴线末端,这里曾是古罗马兵营遗址列柱大街的所在地。本次展览名为“巴杰”(Barje),是卢布尔雅那市将城市中心与巴杰自然公园起点相连的重要策略之一。


2008年,卢布尔雅那市的巴杰风景园和城市的边界区域被列为自然保护区,全部重要的鸟类与其独特的生态系统是该区域成为“自然2000”(Natura 2000)项目的一部分并进一步保护的重要原因。巴杰风景园之前是一片沼泽地,生态系统十分脆弱,基于对这一问题的考虑,对该地区尽可能地采取微小的干预手段,并尽早地进行方案实施,这也是该区域保留原有的风貌及其丰富的动植物栖息地的原因。

在“巴杰”展览开展之初,卢布尔雅那市市长被这一提议深深打动,并立即推进该项目的建设。为方便管理,项目分阶段进行,于2013年2月开始实施。项目团队由6名建筑专业的学生和其导师 Rok Žnidaršič组成,6 名学生分别名为 Klara Bohinc、Andraž Keršič、Martin Kruh、Dino Mujić、Aljoša Lipolt、Tamara Németh;导师 Rok Žnidaršič监督施工现场的所有相关工作。由于场地靠近市中心,大部分的规划和尝试都是在现场进行的。

1 场地遗留的房屋基础结构板被全部保留,并将其改造为野餐区Existing foundation plates of the former huts were preserved and reinterpreted as new picnic areas

2 架设新的连接道路Formation of a new connecting path


3 通过最小的干预手段使得巴杰地区早期的荒废区域得以重新利用并向公众开放Formerly degraded area of Barje is given in use,revived and relinked to the city centre



场地中超过300 t的非法倾倒的垃圾被移除,同时清理了场地内所有的入侵植物。该地区的入侵植物主要为分布于大片小树林中的加拿大一枝黄花(Solidago canadensis)和日本虎杖(Fallopia japonica)。通过与专家与植物学家的交流,决定引入恰当的植物种类。为防止入侵植物的传播,在一期工程完成后不久,便开始在现场开展露天实验。原有的大型树木与具有典型叶面特征的植物得以保留。

场地的土方工程从清除污染土层、平整土地、去除杂草和地表覆盖物等工作开始。在原有的道路上铺设了新的砂石路,贯穿整个区域并向远方延伸。新铺设的砂石路成为人工干预部分的主要脉络。另外,在砂石路与自然公园的交汇处,铺装材料发生了变化,在保护等级较高的场地,使用木屑代替沙子;场地遗留的房屋基础结构板被全部保留,并将其改造为野餐区;野餐区平台上的坐凳由曾位于市中心的高层住宅立面的混凝土预制构件改造而成,这个建筑由著名的斯洛文尼亚建筑设计师爱德华·拉夫尼卡(Edvard Ravnikar,1907—1993)设计完成。


“我们将‘再利用’视为建筑的精髓。这不仅是因为它在斯洛文尼亚建筑中有着悠久的传统和特殊的地位,使斯洛文尼亚从长期资金匮乏的困境中解脱出来,几乎所有著名的斯洛文尼亚建筑师都致力于建筑材料的再利用。同时,现如今有关充分利用资源的反思很好地诠释了经济与创造的经典问题,以最少的投入来处理产生的废物,并进行有价值的升级。”(Rok Žnidaršič于2018年在萨格勒布市举行的“Days of Oris ”研讨会上的发言)

当游客走完园路的1/3后,便来到了巴杰风景园的边界。其后这一部分均采用最小的干预措施以清理并展示场地中原有代表性的植物景观——树篱,由此形成景观点——一条由碎木屑铺设并没有几个长凳的崭新道路。小路穿过一片白杨树林,来到卢布尔雅那河,在这里游客可以乘船返回市中心,或是驾车穿过这条河流,到达位于附近沼泽地中的圣·米歇尔(St.Michael)教堂,这座教堂由斯洛文尼亚建筑师 Jože Plečnik(1872—1957)设计而成。

Rakova Jelša是一个新建的城镇公园。早在19世纪,溪流中满是小龙虾,溪流两侧为桤木林,而该公园名中的rak代表小龙虾,jelša 代表的是桤木。这一新的公共空间同时也是Rakova jelša街区附近唯一的公共空间。另外,这个新的公共空间以该街区为名,该场地(紧邻该镇的边界内,且恰好位于公路环线入口之前)中有众多20世纪60—90年代移民者建造的非法住宅。后来,这里的房屋被合法化,该地区也逐渐发展成为一个舒适的城市社区。通过最小的干预手段使巴杰地区早期的荒废区域得以重新利用并向公众开放,在复兴巴杰的同时,区域与城市中心的联系得以重塑。

Rakova Jelša城镇公园位于连接卢布尔雅那市与巴杰风景园道路的端点处。新的干预措施的介入使该区域更加开放,并以可持续的方式吸引并影响着到此游赏的游客或当地居民。

2016年,在 Rakova Jelša城镇公园一期的西侧开始了公园二期的建设。如果说建设Rakova Jelša城镇公园一期的目的是对外提供公众使用、休闲娱乐及野餐活动等的开放空间,那么公园二期的建设重点便是创造耕作空间以提供自给自足的农业产品。场地中废弃的荒野景观以及原先私人庄园(在2011年被当地政府清除)的遗留成为公园二期的建设重点。

5 新建的花园区被设计为一个典型的极长的巴杰农田,农田被划分为小块田地,转租给租户New gardening areas were designed as a typical,extremely long Barje field,separated in smaller parcels,sublet to the tenants

6 新建的城市标志物都有着较大的体量,使其成为当地的景观地标New urban equipment was designed as large scale objects,that mark the landscape

7 恢复场地原有的开放空间的属性Reviving the original identity of the open space




在棚屋旁边设置新的公共种植果园,为散步的路人供应水果。种植园中100余株果树选自于斯洛文尼亚传统的水果,包括苹果(Malus domestica)、梨(Pyrus communis)、李子(Prunus domestica)和欧楂(Mespilus germanica)等。



新种植的几列枫树(Acer campestrae)位于现有公路的入口环岛处,作为现有行道树的延伸,一直从城市中心延伸到环线公路。结合阶梯式布置的大型木制长椅,为行人设计了垂直通行的快速通道。木制长椅围合出的户外座位区,既可作为户外剧场,也可以作为户外课堂使用。另一条在环岛处修建的入口道路坡度较小,且长度较长,以方便骑行者、推婴儿车的父母及残疾人的通行。这条新建的道路沿着一条河道向前延伸,在道路两侧种植了白柳 (Salix tristis) 。

在沿河道小路与另一小路相交汇的地方,设置了新的木桥,作为花园的主要入口,也是Rakova Jelša 城镇公园的一个入口。其结构由木桁架组装而成,并用钢筋连接,再用混凝土脚手架的螺钉进行固定,其设计原理与其他木质构造相同。这种连接方式只允许行人和自行车的通行,为从入口、边界到花园的内部空间,提供了一个完全无车的通行空间。

Rakova Jelša是卢布尔雅那市巴杰风景园若干出入口中的典范。自然保护区位于城镇边缘,距市中心有15 min的步行距离,是一处独特而又罕见的极具潜力的区域。随着原先私有土地归还于公共使用,该区域成为新的城镇公园的公共空间,供邻近地区的居民使用,与此同时,也塑造了卢布尔雅那市的另一种开放空间的形式。


项目名称:Rakova Jelša 城镇公园

设计单位:Medprostor d.o.o.事务所


主创设计团队:Klara Bohinc,Andraž Keršič,Martin Kruh,Aljoša Lipolt,Samo Mlakar,Dino Mujić,Tamara Németh,Rok Žnidaršič




总占地面积:106 000 m2

项目造价:1 000 000欧元(1欧元=7.753 6人民币,2019年7月4日汇率)

摄影:Andraž Keršič,Tamara Németh



…oh grass,river,stone,tree,

silent companions of the strange and lonely,

good,great beings,

who begin to speak

only when men have fallen silent.

Ivan Minatti,You must love someone,1963(Translated by Alasdair MacKinnon)

First ideas for the project began with the exhibition Visions 8 (Vizije SO 8),one in a series of ex-hibitions that question overlooked problems and degraded open spaces in Ljubljana.It was organised by the Association of architects of Ljubljana,Faculty of Architecture and Biotechnical Faculty-Department of Landscape Architecture,both members of University of Ljubljana.This exhibition took place in December 2012 and addressed a vast,degraded open space in the con-clusion of historically important axis N-S (former Cardo maximus of the Roman settlement Aemona) of Ljubljana.The exhibition was named Barje,a step from the city - proposal of a new connection between the city centre and beginnings of Ljubljansko barje Nature Park was formed.

Barje park lies behind the highway ring of Ljubljana.Uncontrolled building,degradation of space,wild privatisation and waste disposal presented a major problem.At that time the proposed solu-tion to these problems consisted of thoroughly cleaning the area by introducing minimal interven-tions and opening this new open space to the public.This would have been a way to stop the negative processes and provide a unique open public space for spare time activities in the near vicinity of the city centre.New park,rich in wildlife and plants,would bind the existing connec-tions in the area,be it pedestrian routes,cycling paths or waterways.New intervention would have a critical role in formation of the sustainable mobility in Ljubljana and its surroundings.

The bordering area of Ljubljansko barje Landscape Park and Ljubljana was declared a natural preserve in 2008; all of the important bird species and an unique ecosystem were the reasons to further protect the area as a part of Natura 2000.Barje is a former moor,that has a very vulnera-ble ecosystem;respecting this,all of the interventions have to be subtle and must be done pre-cociously.This is why the project does not change the authenticity of the landscape,all of the richest plant and animal habitats are free of interventions.

At the opening of the exhibition,the major of Ljubljana was smitten with the proposal and fast forwarded the realisation of the project.Project was separated in phases to make it manageable.Realisation of the project began in February 2013.Team of six students of architecture,Klara Bohinc,Andraž Keršič,Martin Kruh,Dino Mujić,Aljoša Lipolt,Tamara Németh and their mentor,Rok Žnidaršič,oversaw all of the planning and work on the “construction” site.Major part of planning and experimenting was done on site due to the vicinity of the city centre.

Apart from all of the changes in the system of Ljubljana's open space this project brings,there is an invaluable lesson,a practical possibility to experience the process from an idea to the realisa-tion for students who collaborated and coordinated the project.Project was formed as a process of on-site learning,practical team work,done with the efforts of an array of experts of different profiles.Architect is thus only a wheel in the machinery that brings the project from drawing to a physical manifestation.

Reviving the original identity of the open space,first phase dealt with the part,already owned by the municipality.Illegal weekend houses,that the occupants built as a kind of allotment gardens were torn down by municipal officers in 2011 and their foundation plates remained on the site.This area also became a place of illegal waste disposal,where different construction debris,poi-sonous waste and roof shingles,containing asbestos were scattered in piles across the area.

The concept of the proposed intervention consisted of intense cleaning of the area and formation of a new connecting path.New path crosses the area and connects existing paths from the city and Ljubljanica river,forming a new cohesive route for the visitors.

Three-hundred tons of illegally dumped waste were removed from the site and all of the invasive plant species were extracted.Plant species,foreign to the area were in most part vast groves of Canadian Goldenrod(Solidago canadensis) and Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica).Apt plant species and trees were introduced and decided upon through a dialogue with various experts and arborists (open air laboratory that deals with prevention of expansion of invasive plant species started operating on the site shortly after completion of phase one).Existing mature trees and typical foliage have been kept intact on the site.

Ground works began with the removal of the polluted earth layer,soil preparation,mowing and mulching.New sand paths were laid on top of the former pathways,protruding out of the ad-dressed area.A new wide sand way was laid out as the main axis of the new intervention.Where the Nature Park meets the new path,the material of the intervention changes.In the area with higher level of protection wooden chips were used in stead of sand.All of the existing foundation plates of the former huts were preserved and reinterpreted as new picnic areas.New benches on these platforms are stacks of former facade planes(concrete prefabricates) of a residential high-rise in the city centre,designed by one of the most important Slovene architects,Edvard Ravni-kar (1907—1993).

New tree nursery,benches,bike stands and playground were also introduced.All of these new interventions were done in oak and larch wood,charred to resist vandalism and make it long lasting and sustainable,and finally,as a nod to the long tradition of use of wood charring for founda-tion in the wider Ljubljana moors area (since palafitte dwellings on).All of the new urban equip-ment was designed as large scale objects,that mark the landscape.Benches,exhibition panels,sign posts and moats are made in wood trusses,charred and connected with reinforcement bars,screwed in position with concrete scaffolding screws.

“We understand reuse as the essence of architecture.Not only because it has a long tradition and a special place in Slovene architecture,which derives from the perennial lack of funds in our country.Almost all notable Slovenian architects were dealing with reuse.Modern reflections on the use of resources are well integrated into the traditional questions of economy and invention within the possible; production of waste,and,upgrading to a useful value with minimal assets.” (Rok Žnidaršič,“Days of Oris”,Zagreb 2018)

After the first third of the way,visitors enter the borders of Landscape park Barje.In this,latter part,all of the interventions have been limited to cleaning and exposing existing typical greenery - Hedgerows,a new path,made from wooden chips and few benches,placed as viewpoints.The path leads through a grove of poplar trees to the river Ljubljanica,where the visitor can take a boat back to the city centre or drive across the river to the nearby church of St.Michael in the Moors,designed by Slovene architect Jože Plečnik(1872—1957).

The name of the newly formed town park,Rakova Jelša,derives from 1800s,where the former streams,overcrowded with crayfish and groves of alder trees (both indicators of clean environment) gave name to the wider area (rak - crayfish,jelša - alder tree).New public space is also the first and only public space of the nearby Rakova jelša neighbourhood.The new area was named after the neighbourhood,(built on the inner border of the town,right before the highway loop) that was mostly illegal built residential area of family houses,built by the immigrants in the 1960s and later in 1990s.Houses have since been legalised and the area is developing into a cosy city neighbourhood.With the new minimal intervention,formerly degraded area of Barje is given in use,open to the public anew,revived and relinked to the city centre.

Rakova Jelša town park was the first in a series of steps on the path of connecting Ljubljana and Landscape park Barje.New interventions attract and edu-cate new type of visitors that appreciate and occupy the area in a more open and sustainable manner.

Second phase of the town park was formed in 2016 to the west of the town park,executed in phase one.If the objective of Rakova Jelša town park I was to open the area to the public use,host leisure activities and picnic places,second phase focuses on self-sufficient farming and cultivation.Abandoned wild landscape with the remains of the former privatised garden settle-ment that were also torn down in 2011 and is owed by the municipality became the focus of phase two.

Municipality of Ljubljana and its Environmental Agency,who were the investors of this project wanted to both open the area to the public and provide a possibility of allotment gardens for neighbouring residential areas.Possibility of legal and arranged cultivation on the immediate out-skirts of the city centre means a new interpretation of the traditional use of Barje.

New route system,based on the network of the existing ways and paths was established in order to mark the hierarchy of the arrangement.Main road runs from one end of the site to the other and presents a backbone of the whole concept.Conceptual decisions that took place in the shap-ing of the Town Park Rakova Jelša in phase one were also respected in phase two.All of the existing mature trees that were authentic to Barje were kept.What is more,as in phase one,we adapted our project to the relicts and foliage,found on the site.New gardening areas were de-signed as a typical,extremely long barje field,separated in smaller parcels,sublet to the tenants.

Instead of the usual dispersed sheds for gardening tools,new large common shelters,that collect rainwater and serve as shaded areas in the summer months were introduced.Four new shelters(sheds) were placed on the far narrow ends of the site,to accent the notion of the common Barje field between them.Every shed houses thirty storage spaces for tenants and two water tanks that collect rainwater.Gathering of the water was a crucial question during the development of the project.As the whole area used to be polluted,all of the toxic compounds ran freely in the underground water.Irrigation with the water from either of these sources was out of question and we needed to provide surfaces that would be large enough to collect the necessary rain water.

Next to the sheds,new public orchards were planted.These would in time enable a passer by to enjoy the fruit while taking a walk.Around one hundred fruit trees were planted,chosen from an array of traditional fruit species,traditional in Slovenia.Among others,Apple trees (Malus domestica),Pear trees (Pyrus communis),Plum (Prunus domestica)and Mesple trees (Mespilus germanica) were planted.

Urban equipment elements,wooden benches and reused assembled prefabricates benches,bike stands and fences,that we used in the Town Park in phase one are multiplied in phase two.

To grant better access from the city centre,a new entrance area was also developed as a part of phase two.Damaged and overgrown landscape by the highway was redesigned into a vast open space,where we again kept all of the existing fully grown trees.The area is triangular in plan; one of the smaller sides is dispersed in further fields,one side is limited by a small road and the last,longest side is given by the line of the existing highway access loop.The area touches the high-way in the sharpest point and is sloped in order to connect the highway overpass and the original level of Barje.This interesting section also allows very nice views across otherwise quite flat landscape.One can see both Ljubljana castle with the alps in the background on one site and new allotment garden area,Barje and the hill Krim on the other.

New line of maple trees (Acer campestrae)was planted along the existing highway access loop to prolong the existing lines of trees,running till the highway ring from the city centre.A fast perpendicular access for pedestrians was established with a stepped landscape arrangement using large wooden benches.Benches form a theatrical seating area that can also be used as a class-room in the open.Another,less sloped and longer path was made along the highway loop to en-able access to cyclists,parents with baby carriages and people with limited mobility.This access runs in a new path that runs along a desiccation channel.Along this path,new line of willow trees (Salix tristis) was planted.

8 城市中心与巴杰自然公园起点之间新的连接New connection between the city centre and beginnings of Ljubljansko Barje Nature Park

9 城市基底Urban context

Where the path along the channel crosses a small road,new wooden bridge was assembled.This is the main entrance to the allotment garden area and one of the entrances in the Town Park Rakova Jelša.This moat was assembled from wooden trusses,connected with reinforcement bars,screwed in position with concrete scaffolding screws,design principle used with all of the wooden urban equipment.This connection can only be crossed by pedestrians and cyclists and presents the entry point and border to a completely car free zone of the allotment gardens.

Rakova Jelša is a possible template for many entry points in Ljubljansko barje Nature Park.Protected area of nature on the brink of the town,fifteen minutes of walk from the city centre is a unique and rare given possibility.With the return of formerly privatised land in public use,the new Town Park became a public space,given in use to the residents of neighbouring areas.At the same time,it is another kind of open space in Ljubljana.
