
2020-06-20 03:01罗顺元乔玉龙
农业工程学报 2020年9期

苍 岩,罗顺元,乔玉龙


苍 岩,罗顺元,乔玉龙

(哈尔滨工程大学信息与通信工程学院,哈尔滨 150001)



0 引 言


早期动物声音领域中,通常使用包络模板匹配方法识别,将待识别的动物声音,比如咳嗽声音,生成包络模板,将采集到的现场声音信号与模板进行逐一匹配,从而实现声音的分类识别[10]。然而,这种方法中存在着一定弊端,其他类型的声音也有可能在包络特征上与模板匹配,比如屠宰过程中,由于应激而产生的短促叫声与疾病引起的咳嗽声,二者包络匹配度也很高[15]。后期随着声音信号处理技术的发展,猪只声音处理方法也逐渐进步。2003年,Van Hirtum等Berckmans[9]利用模糊算法对猪只声音进行分析,数据集包含5 319条声音,正确识别率为79%。Moshou等[13]利用线性预测编码(Linear Predictive Coding,LPC)谱对生猪声音进行了处理,声音识别率为87%。2008年,Ferrari等[16]通过分析猪声音信号波形的均方根及峰值频率,发现了正常猪与患有呼吸道疾病的声音信号的差异性,从而识别出患病猪,对后续进行的养殖场多种行为状态的动物声音的差异性分析,提供了理论依据。同年,Exadaktylos等[17]对猪咳嗽的声音信号进行了功率谱密度分析,并用欧式距离衡量声音信号的相似性,通过对应的阈值设定,实现了猪咳嗽声音信号的监测。2013年,Chung等[18]通过对猪声音信号进行梅尔频率倒谱系数(Mel-scale Frequency Cepstral Coefficients,MFCC)提取,并用支持向量机分类算法对患有不同疾病的猪声音信号进行分类识别,实现了对应疾病与不同声音信号的匹配,这为养殖场猪的患病状况提供了有效参考。2016年,马辉栋等[19]用语音识别中的端点检测法进行猪咳嗽声音信号的检测,提出了用双门限检测法对猪咳嗽声音信号进行端点检测,有效提高了猪咳嗽声音信号的检测效率,有利于后期对猪咳嗽声音信号的识别。


1 试验数据采集与处理

1.1 试验数据采集

1.1.1 试验场地

本研究的试验地点在河北省承德市某试验猪场,试验猪的类型为三元母猪杜长大。数据采集时间从2017年3月至2017年6月。猪只采用群养方式饲养于1.8 m×5 m的猪栏内。在试验期间内,猪舍平均温度为22 ℃,最高温度25.4 ℃,最低温度18.6 ℃。自然光照时间从早晨7时至傍晚19时。试验设备采用吊装的方式安装于猪栏的中间位置(图1)。

图1 试验现场

1.1.2 数据采集

本研究使用的声音数据均在养殖场的实际环境下,通过使用数据采集盒、笔记本电脑等设备采集得到。采集盒内部的主要构造为ReSpeaker Core v2.0开发板(图 2a),现场声音数据传输存储方式如图2b所示。

采集数据为采样率为16 KHz的单通道音频,并以wav. 格式储存于存储设备中。为保证录音效果以及得到可靠标签的声音数据,录音过程中需要实时监测,并根据现场生猪的状态对已录的音频进行初步标记,方便后续处理。采集的基本声音类型分为正常的哼叫声、受惊吓的尖叫声、喂食前嚎叫声。其中,正常声音为生猪在无应激反应时正常哼叫状态下采集得到。喂食前的声音为饲养员在投喂饲料时,猪由于看到食物产生应激反应而发出的声音,类似嚎叫声。受惊吓的声音为生猪在打针、咬架、被追赶时发出的声音,在采集这类声音时,需要进行强烈的人为刺激,因此采集难度较前2种更大,实际采集中也最为费时。

1.1.3 数据集构建


图2 数据采集方案

图3 Audacity操作界面

使用Audacity为音频标记后,对标签后的音频按类别进行批量切分,切分程序由Python编程实现。基于正常猪叫声的周期性(0.5~1.8 s),确定2 s为音频切分长度,即切分后的每条样本至少包含一个声音的完整周期。


表1 数据库音频量分类统计

1.2 声音数据预处理


1.2.1 预加重


1.2.2 加窗分帧

1.2.3 端点检测


2 提取谱图特征

图4 音频波形图

图5 音频谱图

3 分类网络的选取与优化

谱图生成后,利用图像处理领域中的深度卷积神经网络模型实现分类识别。本研究采用的MobileNetV2网络模型[26],该模型是在残差网络和MobileNetV1[24]网络模型的基础上提出的轻量级的深层神经网络,在保证准确度的同时,大幅减少乘法和加法的计算量,从而降低模型参数和内存占用,提高计算速度。MobileNetV2网络模型基本的构建块是残差瓶颈深度可分离卷积块,网络包含初始的32个卷积核的全卷积层,后接7个瓶颈层,网络中使用ReLU6作为非线性激活函数。MobileNetV2网络采用大小为3×3的卷积核,在训练时候利用丢弃(dropout)[27]和批标准化(batch normalization)技术防止过拟合。本研究中dropout取0.5。在训练开始时,随机地“删除”一般的隐层单元,保持输入层不变,更新网络的权值,依次迭代,每次迭代过程中,随机的“删除”一般隐层单元,直至训练结束。MobileNetV2网络模型的详细模型结构如表2所示。

表2 MobileNetV2 网络模型结构[26]


Note:represents the number of categories of samples.


图6 2种优化算法下模型损失函数变化

4 试验数据分析


CPU:Core i7-8700K

内存:16GB DDR4


系统平台:Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

软件环境:Tensorflow 1.8.0、Cuda 9.0、Cudnn 7.0、Anaconda3.

4.1 不同谱图参数试验

由于本试验的数据规模比较小,过训练的现象不会出现,因此本研究试验中数据集直接分为训练集和测试集2个部分。为确定最优的谱图参数,包括窗长和窗移参数,每次训练集和测试集以8∶2随机分配,测试不同参数生成的谱图对识别率精度的影响。每组参数都进行了5次独立试验,试验采用标准的MobileNetV2网络模型,输入图像尺寸为224×224,由试验结果可见(图 7),不同类别的谱图对模型性能有一定影响,在多次试验下发现256点FFT、1/2窗移下的谱图训练模型识别效果最好,进而将谱图类别与平均准确率绘制成折线图,如图8所示。


图8 各类谱图平均识别率统计图

由图8可知,相同窗长参数,1/2窗移参数的谱图训练所得模型识别率更优;相同窗移参数,256点FFT的谱图训练所得模型识别率更优,即频率分辨率较高的谱图表现更好。综上,通过谱图的优化试验,较标准MobileNetV2网络模型结果,优化后模型分类准确率提高1.8%。优化后的模型最终总体识别率为97.3%。对最优模型在测试集上各类别的识别率进行分类统计(表 3),表中测试样本数目、正确识别数目及识别率都是5次试验的平均值。

4.2 模型宽度因子和分辨率因子试验


表3 测试集识别结果统计





4.3 对比试验

选取支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)以及梯度提升决策树(Gradient Boosting Decision Tree,GBDT)、随机森林(Random Forest,RF)、极端随机树(Extra Trees,ET)算法分别进行了猪声音数据集的训练和测试,将测试结果与本研究分类网络结果进行对比分析。


表4 不同宽度因子和分辨率因子下的试验结果统计

表5 4种算法模型下试验结果的混淆矩阵统计







图9 各模型对测试集样本识别率分类统计图

5 结 论

针对猪只音频识别中集成学习模型和支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)模型类间识别率差异明显,对受惊吓和喂食前状态声音样本识别率较低的问题,本研究提出了深层神经网络结合谱图的识别方法,使用手工制作的数据集对模型进行了设计、实现及和优化。模型以MobileNetV2网络为基础,改进了其网络原有的优化策略,提升了模型性能。此外,本研究进一步的从谱图的生成方式以及网络结构调整这2个方面来及进行模型优化。在标准MobileNetV2网络上初步训练所得模型准确率95.5%,通过谱图优化试验,模型识别性能提升了1.8%,即最终训练得到的模型识别率为97.3%,且模型对各类别识别率都很高,克服了集成学习分类器存在的问题。进一步的,通过宽度因子和分辨率因子试验,在标准MobileNetV2模型的基础上定义了更小更有效的模型,通过损失很小精度来显著提升模型速度,满足实际应用中的需求。

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Classification of pig sounds based on deep neural network

Cang Yan, Luo Shunyuan, Qiao Yulong


Pig sounds reflect the stress and health status of pigs, also it is the most easily collected biomarker through non-contact methods. To improve the classification accuracy of pig sound signals, this study used the spectrogram to visualize the time-frequency characteristics, and combined with the deep neural network classification model. Four contents were discussed as followed: 1) The sound data set was constructed. According to the different sound signals, the pig's behavior could be recognized by the classification network. When the pig was in normal statuses, the pig sounds were called as grunts. If the pig was in frightened statuses, such as injected or chased, pig sounds were defined as screams. Before the feeding, when pigs see the food, pigs made long irritable sounds. The sounds were called as howls of hunger. All pig sounds were collected on-farm by the sound collection box. On the farm, a laptop was used as a host computer to display all the working parameters of the collection box. The data transmission and storage scheme adopted the Client/Server architecture. Besides, the worker labeled sounds, according to the behavior. 2) Spectrograms of different sounds built up the training and test dataset of the image recognition network. The pig sound was a stationary signal in short time duration, therefore, continuously calculating the frequency spectrum of the sound signal in the vicinity of the selected instant of time gave rise to a time-frequency spectrum. The study discussed the optimal spectrogram parameters, which were suitable for the structure of the deep neural network. Experiment results showed that the segment length of the pig sounds was 256 samples and the overlap was 128 samples, the classification accuracy of the deep neural network was highest. The spectrogram optimization experiment results showed that the recognition accuracy was improved by 1.8%. 3) The deep neural network was designed. The study used the MobileNetV2 network to achieve recognition, which was based on an inverted residual structure where the shortcut connections were between the thin bottleneck layers. Aiming to the portable platform in the real application, the width factor and the resolution factor were introduced to define a smaller and more efficient architecture. Also, Adam optimizer formed an adequate substitute for the underlying RMSprop optimizer, and it made the loss function convergent faster. Adam optimizer calculated the adaptive parameter-learning rate based on the mean value of the first moment, making full use of the mean value of the second moment of the gradient. The result implied the width factor was chosen as 0.5, the accuracy was highest. 4) Compared experiments had been done. Support Vector Machine (SVM), Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (GBDT), Random Forest (RF), and Extra Trees (ET) algorithms were compared with the proposed pig sound recognition network. All algorithms were trained and tested on the same sound dataset. Specifically, the proposed algorithm increased the recognition accuracy of screams from 84.5% to 97.1%, and the accuracy of howls was increased from 86.1% to 97.5%. But the recognition accuracy of grunts was decreased from 100% to 97.3%. This was caused by the difference in the principle of different recognition algorithms. Furthermore, through the experiments on the width factor and resolution factor, a smaller and more efficient model was defined based on the standard MobileNetV2 model, and the running speed of the model was significantly improved to meet the needs of practical applications, however, the accuracy remained. This study showed that the abnormal pig vocalization was related to abnormal behavior, so sound recognition could help to monitor behaviors. In the future, the abnormal behaviors combined the sound recognition and video analysis would be discussed.

signal processing; acoustic signal; recognition; deep learning; pig sounds; MFCC; classification

苍岩,罗顺元,乔玉龙. 基于深层神经网络的猪声音分类[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(9):195-204.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.09.022 http://www.tcsae.org

Cang Yan, Luo Shunyuan, Qiao Yulong. Classification of pig sounds based on deep neural network[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(9): 195-204. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.09.022 http://www.tcsae.org









柏韵音频举办Pureaudio 2021新产品发布会