中英媒体研讨班在重庆举行 国际文化传播领域交互合作的突破性尝试

2020-07-01 07:39孔德琥
重庆与世界 2020年2期











From January 14 to 17, the UK-China (Chongqing) Media Workshop, jointly organized by Foreign Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal Government, Chongqing Municipal Information Office and British Consulate-General in Chongqing, was successfully held in Chongqing. Ma Ranxi, Deputy Head of Publicity Department of CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee, Wang Wen, Deputy Director-General of Foreign Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal Government, and Cecille El Beleidi, British Consul-General in Chongqing attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches.

Mr. Mark Webster and Ms. Laura Oliver, senior media experts from UK, were invited to give lectures to over 20 media practitioners in Chongqing under the theme of China-UK Exchange and Media Economic Observations under the Belt and Road during the workshop. The workshop includes interactive discussion-based training on news coverage skills, site visits and interviews with entrepreneurs.

Wang Wen said, Chongqing has been developing rapidly and having more frequent international exchanges in recent years. The Workshop is a breakthrough and a trial for Chongqing and UK to cooperate in culture and international communication. It will help enhance the understanding and friendship between Chinese and foreign media professionals, and deepen mutual understanding and trust. At the same time, it will also help to accelerate the training of a group of high-quality financial journalists and better serve Chongqing's efforts to develop itself into the leader of opening-up and the international financial center in inland China.

During the 4-day workshop, compelling stories, internationalization, professionalism and media convergence were the most-discussed topics.

The two British lecturers shared news reports by foreign media as examples on how to take advantage of global vision and analytical thinking to bring an article to a new height. For example, in the report on the extremist group ISIS, the reporter tracked and traced the whole circulation process of a barrel of oil starting from its exploitation, and then combined it with map information and data comparison. Furthermore, the topic itself is also interesting and profound.

For the site visit, the trainees visited the multinational Savills. Its executives gave presentation on the TOD model and on recent changes in data of Chongqings office buildings and commercial real estate. How to analyze trends and clues from numerous technical data is an important basic skill in financial reporting. In recent years, the rise of short videos has greatly impacted traditional reporting. In the workshop, the trainees also shot short videos in groups and shared their works with each other to do peer learning.

Professor Xie Xin, a Liangjiang scholar from Chongqing Technology and Business University, was also invited to give a lecture and share his research on Chongqing's macroeconomic development and future trends during the workshop. He said, at the beginning of 2020, the central government for the first time put forward the requirements for Chengdu and Chongqing to build "Chengdu-Chongqing Twin City Economic Circle" and to form "an important driving force for the growth of high-quality development". A lot of room is there for Chongiqng media to explore on how to tell good stories about Chongqing's development, either from the perspectives of economy and international exchanges, or from the perspectives of society & peoples livelihood and culture & communication.

Telling a good story can make a report more appealing and communicative. During the group discussion with Chengdu-Chongqing Twin Cities as the theme, a trainee suggested that the story could focus on a family who lives and works across the two cities or an entrepreneur who does business in both cities to tell the comparison and cooperation between the two cities. By uncovering the internal connections between the twin cities from the perspective of common people, the story will become more readable and at the same time more extensive because it will lead to discussion and expectations about the future of the Twin Cities.

The workshop concluded on January 17th and the organizers issued certificates of completion to trainees who successfully completed  their training.

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