——以绘本Mrs Pig has babies为例

2020-09-19 09:47南京师范大学附属小学
小学教学研究 2020年25期

南京师范大学附属小学 顾 洁



本文将介绍美国学者Donna Ogle提出的KWL模式在阅读教学中的实施过程,并结合绘本Mrs Pig has babies阅读教学的设计与实施,探讨如何运用KWL模式设计阅读教学活动,从而培养学生主动思维,提升思维品质。


KWL 是美国学者Donna Ogle 于1986年提出的一种指导阅读的策略。最初引入课堂时用于在阅读之前激活背景知识的理解策略,它完全是以学生为中心构建的。KWL表格是美国中小学教学里最常用的一种表格,它能有效帮助学生设定清晰的学习目标,建立相关背景知识,并能帮助其整理、组织和记忆信息。

KWL 模式中,K即Know(What I know),是读者已经具备的背景知识; W即What(What I want to know),是读者渴望通过阅读获取的新知识;L是Learned(What I have learned),是读者在阅读材料后总结自己学到的新知识。KWL表既关注学生已有的知识和经验,又关注学生将要学的知识,最后又有对自我学习过程的评价。在整个过程中,对学生思维也提出了较高的要求,从最开始的通过回忆相关知识,激活思维,到自主提问,活化思维,再到自主总结归纳,深化思维。


笔者以绘本Mrs Pig has babies为例,介绍如何运用KWL模式落实学生思维能力的培养。


T:Boys and girls, look at the cover, what do you know about this story?


S1:Mrs Pig has babies.

T: Yes, that’s the name of this picture book.

S2: Mrs Pig is pregnant.

S3: Mrs Pig is eating an apple.

T: Yes, an apple a day can keep the doctor away,especially for Mrs Pig, she’s pregnant.

S4: Mrs Pig and Mr Pig are talking about their babies now.

Mr Pig wants the black babies, Mrs Pig wants the white babies.

T: Wow, cool!




T:You know something about the story from the cover, today we’ll read this interesting storybook.

Before you read it, do you have any questions about the story?

Can you try to ask questions?

S1: How many babies do they have?S2: What colour are they?

S3: What are the babies’ names?

S4: How do Mrs Pig and Mr Pig feel after the babies were born?

T: These are the very good questions. And they are the main questions about the story too.

(基于学生提问,将学生想要了解的信息写在W栏中, 见表2)


3. L环节——自主阅读,培养思维的独特性

T: You can ask some good questions about this new story, that’s wonderful. With the questions on the blackboard, please read the story quickly and use 2~3 sentences to generalize the story.

S1: Mrs Pig is pregnant. One day, she feels labor pains. Mr Pig drives her to the hospital.

T: Wait! Please generalize the story by 2~3 sentences, you needn’t read some sentences.

S2: Mrs Pig has white babies, black babies and spotted babies.

T: That’s good! But why does she have spotted babies? Can you say one more sentence?

S2: Mrs Pig has white babies, black babies and spotted babies, because of the gene.

T: Good! Now remember the questions here, and try to answer them by reading the story carefully. While you are reading, you can underline the key sentences directly.

Ss: Read, underline and think.

T: Look at your questions, let’s answer them. The first one, how many babies do they have?

S1: They have twelve babies.

T: What colour are they?

S2: They are white, black and black and white.

T: Yes, we call “ spotted pigs”. Let’s know the babies in detail. How many white pigs are there? How many black pigs are there? How many spotted pigs are there?

S3: There are three black pigs, four white pigs and five spotted pigs.

T: What are the babies’ names?

S4: We don’t know.

T: How do Mrs Pig and Mr Pig feel after the babies were born?

S5: Of course, both of them are excited and happy.And Mr Pig is also proud.

T: How do you know that?


S6: He knows the gene. He thinks gene is very magical!

(将阅读之后找到的信息写在L栏中, 见表3)

T:Well done! You asked questions before and now you have already found the answer.

What have you learned from the story?

S1: I know something about the gene.

It’s magical.

S2: I know gene controls our looks.

S3: I like this storybook, I like the story, and I can learn something from it.


KWL表也可以根据学生的能力和具体的教学情况发展成多种模式,如:KWHL(What I know,What I want to know, How we will find out, What I have learned), KWLS(What I know, What I want to know,What I have learned, Share what I have learned),KWLM (What I know, What I want to know, What I have learned, What I want to know more)等,都是在KWL认知策略中加上一个项,统称“KWL Plus模式”。

在Mrs Pig has babies绘本学完之后,笔者又增加了“M项”,即“What do you want to learn more? ”。

S1: I want to know more about gene. So I’ll surf the Internet.

S2: Parents pass on their genes to their children.But in fact, my parents both have big eyes, but I have small eyes, I don’t understand why. So I want to learn more about gene.



