Analysis of Color Expression in Nut Food Packaging Design

2020-12-06 23:48史作彤
科学导报·学术 2020年49期

While completing the mission of promoting and protecting products,food packaging design must fully grasp consumer psychology,search for consumer experience information,and make it fully displayed in new designs. Among them,the color of the packaging is one of the most intuitive visual elements. In the selection,attention should be paid to the suitable products and intuitive and eye-catching. Therefore,in order to facilitate the distinction between different types of nuts,four different main colors are selected for the packaging colors.

1. Research on nut consumers

As a popular snack type,nuts have a huge consumer market in China. It is not difficult to find that female consumers prefer to buy nuts,accounting for about 70% of the consumer group. First,women are the main group of online shopping;second,women prefer to satisfy their mouths and taste buds in their leisure time;third,the female group

The body knows more and more about caring for itself,and nuts play an important role in promoting people's health. From the perspective of age,those born in the 80s and 90s are the main consumer groups. The consumption of snack food itself tends to be younger,23-25 years old is the main group of nut consumption. At the same time,they are also a fashion-advocating group,with many popular labels such as "foodie" and "home". Nuts have long become a fashionable food that can meet the individualized and liberal needs of young people.

At the same time,when conceiving advertising slogans,the green of the product should be highlighted. Color is healthy to meet consumers psychological expectations. Nut snacks have a huge market in China,which is due to China's huge population base and the increasing consumption power of the masses. However,the nut market is also facing huge competitive pressure.

2. Packaging grade positioning

According to the analysis conclusions drawn during the market research stage:Nuts are a kind of food that is very popular among young people,especially young women. As an "invisible salesman",packaging must not only focus on visual impact,but also take into account. Therefore,when making the packaging for "one hour of the day" nuts,the packaging can be classified according to the consumers of the product. Among them,nut products aimed at ordinary consumer groups should account for more than 80% of the product volume,while the high-end gift market is not a dominant area of nut snacks,and energy input in production and marketing should be reduced. After determining the visual and grade positioning of the packaging,the marketing methods and sales methods of the product can then be determined.

3. Design creative concept,source and process

As the most intuitive,economical,and effective means of protecting products and attracting consumers,packaging can not only beautify products,strengthen visual effects,but also create new sales markets for products. This requires designers to through insight into a series of consumer behaviors,grasp the process of consumer psychological activities,comprehensively consider issues from multiple aspects,and then design more practical,safe,beautiful,and environmentally friendly food packaging design works. When carrying out the design creativity for the Moment of the Day nut packaging,the first position was the use of traditional Chinese elements. After many screenings and analyses,the Xiang yun pattern was finally selected as the main auxiliary graphic for the packaging. Compared with other Chinese elements,Xiang yun pattern has its own unique advantages:concise,generous,and intuitive.It clearly reflects the traditional Chinese characteristics.

In addition,in the use of characters,the form of traditional Chinese calligraphy,namely Yan style,is used for reference. To write "one moment of the day" with face,demonstrates the stability and tolerance of the company. The design of the LOGO adopts a contrasting method,using circles and rectangles as the basic shapes,cutting out the shapes of plant flowers and fruits:on the whole,it is a flower,and each petal can be individually shaped as a fruit. Consumers have different purchase motives,so a series of different psychological activities are produced in the purchase behavior. Food brands,colors,text,graphics,etc.,will produce different mental effects and different sensory stimulation.

4. Color expression

In summary,on the basis of comprehensive beauty and practicality,this design fully considers irrational factors such as consumers psychology and values,combines modern design concepts and traditional Chinese artistic language symbols,and adds modern elements to Circle and rectangle are basic shapes,cut out symmetrical figures. And integrate the image of the main product nuts. In the choice of fonts for the four characters "A Moment of the Day",traditional Chinese calligraphy is used for reference,which makes the whole package look more cultural and heavy. Of course,the use of auspicious clouds also emphasizes the cultural mission of this product as a new brand of Nuts,and the courage to act as a carrier of traditional culture.

The psychology of the reader plays a positive role in suggesting. Orange represents passion,purple represents tenderness,blue represents innocence,and green represents freshness. Of course,the way that a color corresponds to a category is especially helpful for consumers to form a unique memory of the product:color is undoubtedly an important carrier for contacting brain consciousness and actual products. Rich colors,on the one hand,stimulate the generation of memories,on the other hand,they can also increase consumers' desire to buy on the spot. The product's advertising slogan is also printed on the packaging:the blessing of nature and the original taste. This also well reflects the psychological expectations of contemporary consumers,especially female consumers,for healthy consumption patterns.



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