
2021-09-10 18:09本刊资料
考试与评价·高二版 2021年3期

able to do something standing on one’s head做某事轻而易举

Don’t worry about that. I can do it standing on my head. 别担心。这对我来说是小菜一碟。

bang your head against a brick wall做不可能成功的事情

I’ve been banging my head against a brick wall when it comes to finding a job. 我根本就找不到工作。

bite someone’s head off 严厉批评某人

Don’t bite my head off just because I made a mistake. 不要只是因为我犯了错误就对我大加指责。

bring something to a head 使……产生转折点

We need to bring the situation to a head to get a resolution. 我们需要使情况出现转机,从而找到解决的办法。

bury one’s head in the sand 完全忽略某事

He chose to bury his head in the sand and not confront her. 他选择逃避,不去面对她。

can’t make heads or tails out of something 无法理解某事物

I hate to admit that I can’t make heads or tails out of this math problem. 我不想承认,我完全无法理解这道数学题。

fall head over heels in love 深深爱上

She fell head over heals in love with Tom. 她深深地爱上了汤姆。

get a head start on something 早早地开始做某事

She got a head start on her homework immediately after school. 一放学,她早早地就开始写起作业。

get your head above water 不畏困境,迎难而上

Study these pages and you’ll get your head above water. 学习这几页的内容,你就能走出困境了。

get someone or something out of one’s head 擺脱某人或某事(常常使用贬义)

She spent three years getting those experiences out of her head. 她花了三年的时间将这些经历从脑海中忘记。

hit the nail on the head 一针见血

His answer hit the nail on the head. 他的答案说到点子上了。

in over one’s head 举步维艰

Do you ever feel that you’re in over your head? 你有没有感觉到自己做的事难于登天?


On the E—C Translation of the Subtitle of Miranda from the Perspective of Reception Aesthetic Theory