
2023-07-29 07:55重庆日报
重庆与世界 2023年7期


Recently, a delegation led by Thongloun Sisoulith, General-Secretary of the LPRP Central Committee and President of Lao PDR, paid a visit to Chongqing. On the afternoon of June 19, Yuan Jiajun, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Secretary of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee, and Hu Henghua, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee and Mayor of Chongqing Municipal Government, met with Thongloun and his delegation.

Yuan Jiajun and Hu Henghua, on behalf of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee and Chongqing Municipal Peoples Government, welcomed General-Secretary Thongloun and his delegation to Chongqing. According to Yuan Jiajun, China and Laos, as friendly neighboring socialist countries, enjoy a special bond akin to “good comrades and brothers.” Our relationship is characterized by shared mountains and rivers, fostering a deep and enduring friendship. China would work with Laos to earnestly implement the important consensus reached between General-Secretary Xi Jinping and General-Secretary Thongloun, and jointly build a high-standard, high-quality, and high-level community with a shared future between China and Laos. Chongqing is the largest centrally-administered municipality, playing a unique and important role in the regional development and opening-up endeavors. At present, Chongqing is fully implementing the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress, promoting the grand blueprint of Chinese path to modernization and yielding deliverable achievements in Chongqing. Chongqing is actively promoting the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin-Hub Mega-Region, focusing on building a modern industrial system and creating a national advanced manufacturing center. The city is now driving population agglomeration and urban development through industrial agglomeration, and promoting high-quality development of mountainous and reservoir areas with the central urban area taking the leading role. In this way, it can consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation to help rural revitalization. The city is speeding up the construction of New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor (ILSTC) and giving full play to the role of the golden line of the China-Laos Railway. And it is actively developing the cross-border road regular buses, and constantly promoting the cooperation between Chongqing and Laos and ASEAN countries in the fields of economy, trade, education, people-to-people exchanges, with remarkable results. General-Secretary Thonglouns visit will bring significant opportunities for deepening exchanges and cooperation between Chongqing and Laos. It is hoped that Chongqing will deepen cooperation in ILSTC, trade exchanges, education and training, exhibitions, and other aspects. Chongqing will deeply integrate into the construction of the China-Laos Economic Corridor, and contribute Chongqings strength to promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for China and Laos.

Thongloun extended gratitude for Chongqings considerate arrangements and warm reception. In his opinion, the relationship between Laos and China is currently at the best period in history, and Laos is willing to work with China to uphold the spirit of “good neighbors, friends, comrades and partners”, to jointly promote their comprehensive strategic cooperation partnership and development of a community with a shared future. He said Chongqing is a heroic city. Under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee, Chongqing has continuously made new and impressive achievements in modernization construction. He hoped to strengthen cooperation and exchange with Chongqing through this visit, draw on experience in poverty reduction, development of manufacturing, inland opening-up, and other fields, and better promote the development of Laos. He hoped to better leverage the role of the China-Laos Railway, and deepen practical cooperation in agricultural product trade, transportation and logistics, tourism, education and training. Finally, he sincerely welcomed more Chongqing enterprises to invest and develop in Laos.

Relevant heads from the Office of LPRP Central Committee, the Lao President House, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the International Department of Central Committee of LPRP, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Lao-China Cooperation Committee of the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Embassy of the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic in China, as well as Chinese representatives Guo Yezhou, Vice Minister of the International Department, Central Committee of CPC, Li Mingqing, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee, and Luo Lin and Zhang Guozhi, the leadership of Chongqing Municipal Peoples Government attended the meeting.

Source/Chongqing Daily





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