
2015-12-22 02:41建筑设计赫尔穆特弗朗西斯科冈萨雷斯墨菲扬建筑师事务所
世界建筑 2015年7期




1 雪兰诺总部外景/Serono Headquarters exterior view


















建筑管理系统可通过低压一体化控制,了解建筑在每小时、每天和每个季节使用过程中的变化状况,并作出相关响应。□(李迈 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Owner: 默克-雪兰诺国际有限公司/Merck Serono International

建筑配合/Associate Architect: Burckhardt + Partner AG

景观设计/Landscape Design: Oxalis Architectes Paysagistes Associés S.A.

特殊结构和幕墙设计/Special Structures & Facade: Werner Sobek Ingenieure

节能设计/Energy-Comfort: Transsolar Energietechnik

结构设计/Structural Design: Thomas Jundt Ingénieurs

工程协调/Engineering Coordination: Bonnard & Gardel Ingénieurs

电气设计/Electrical Design: Bonnard & Gardel Ingénieurs, Rhône Electra Eng S.A.

暖通空调设计/Heating-Cooling: Weinmann-Energies S.A.给排水设计/Plumbing Design: Zanini-Baechli & Associés Ingénieurs-Conseils S.A.

市政设计/Civil Design: Amsler & Bombeli, Guscetti & Tournler室内设计/Interior Design: Mackay + Partners

垂直交通设计/Vertical Transport: Lerch Bates & Associates照明设计/Lighting Design: L-Plan

媒体墙设计/Media Wall: AG4

建筑物理和声学设计/Building Physics & Acoustics: AAB –J. Stryjenski & H. Monti – S.A.

安保协调/Safety Coordinator: Ingenieurs Conseils Scherler勘测/Surveyors: Haller & Heimberg

承建商/Contractor: 斯坦纳-综合建筑承包公司/Steiner Total Services Contractor

项目功能/Project Programs: 项目总部/研发设施,3座历史建筑的保护和再利用/Headquarters/research facility and preservation and reuse of three historic buildings

总建筑面积/Total Floor Area: 67,396m²

设计时间/Design Period: 2002-2006

摄影/Photos: Rainer Viertlböck

2 雪兰诺总部夜景/Serono Headquarters night view

3 鸟瞰/Aerial view

Merck-Serono has long been recognized as a leading European biotech company. The new corporate headquarters consolidates and allows room for growth of this multi disciplined corporation. The new and renovated areas include 3 new low-rise buildings and 2 renovated industrial buildings, which accommodate offices, labs, and other functions. The whole complex is held together through covered streets and squares. Its design responds to emerging trends of interdisciplinary biomedical research with the expressed programmatic requirement of providing flexible, transparent, illuminated working spaces for research and business groups. Key to this is the development of the "forum" spaces – social magnets for meeting and idea sharing.

In terms of construction and performance the building is more informed by principles of science and technology, rather than design and style. Daylight, natural ventilation, solar energy and the idea that a building modulates its own climate are the basic concepts to maximize the use of natural resources and minimize technical and mechanical equipment. This results in a building of high comfort and low energy consumption.

Buffer space

The "forum" and the atrium between the office and lab buildings serve as entrances and gathering spaces. These transitional spaces are not fully airconditioned, but are regulated through natural ventilation. These spaces function as buffer zones that help moderating temperature difference between the interior workspace and the exterior environment.

4 剖面/Section

Operable roof

The operable roof and two 7.8m x 11m monumental doors transform the interior of the "forum" to an outdoor space when the weather permits. A small hydraulic pump opens and closes the fully glazed roof.

Adaptive facade

The design adopts single-shell, nonoverlapping glass facade, whose weatherresistance, rolling stainless steel sunshades function as the first defense against solar heat gains. Controlled by four roof-mounted weather stations, these shades automatically deploy according to the solar orientation of each facade and the sun's position in the sky. High performance argon-filled, low-e coated glass reduces heat flow and minimizes solar gainswith the help of external blinds. Interior roller shades complete the wall system, providing glare control and moderating room brightness. This high performance facade with floor to ceiling glass maximizes daylight, reducing the need for artificial illumination and its resulting energy usage while providing a high degree of comfort.

Peripheral displacement air system

The adaptive facade provides the first layer of the integrated heating and cooling system. Radiant heating and cooling in the thermal mass of the concrete floor slab provides base comfort, while the perimeter air unit provides quick response heating and cooling based on occupant load and need. The displaced air is delivered through the raised floor, rising naturally around the occupants rather than delivered forcefully through fans.

Lake water cooling

Water extracted from Lake Geneva is circulated through heat exchangers supplemented with heat pumps and utilized for the base cooling load of the building as well as a significant portion of the heating load. The use of lake water eliminates the need for cooling towers and chillers, which saves a significant amount of energy. The lake water loop is carefully managed to minimize the temperature difference between the supplying and returning water lines.

Raised floor

The use of an accessible raised floor for service layout has several benefits. This compact method can reduce interstitial space, thus increasing ceiling height within limited floor-to-floor space. It allows for displacement air delivery, socket communication and power distribution, thus providing flexibility for the ever-changing work place.

Borrowed light/view

The use of transparent surfaces in the interior, especially where the interior partitions meet the exterior curtain wall, effectively deepens the transparent skin of the building, improving daylight distribution as well as views from office compartments.

Integrated intelligent controls

Low voltage integrated controls endow the building management system with the ability to learn and react to the changing conditions of the building as it is used on hourly, daily, and seasonal bases. □

6 二层平面/Floor 1 plan

7 中庭/Atrium





JIANG Peiming: Architects all too often lavish their efforts on the creation of architectural forms, without paying due attention to the buildings per se. But in this project, new public space is imbedded between the old buildings, which not only enhances their interaction, but also creates an attractive cultural landscape. Particularly noteworthy are the ecological and energy-saving devices that guarantee both comfort and naturalness in the use of the architectural spaces.The architect seems to have conceived a great deal of things, and yet, for a humanized project like this, it is never too much! ZHANG Hong: The Merck-Serono Headquarters merges modern eco-concepts with building renovation; its extensive use of advanced ecological/green strategies and technologies is impressive. Particularly noteworthy is the large-scale roof opening device at the buffer areas, which characterizes this building. Given the mild oceanic climate of Geneva, large areas of low-e glass are used together with matching equipments for shading and ventilation, which effectively adjust interior temperature, humidity and lighting during transitional seasons and wintertime. However, issues such as economy and cost-effectiveness raised by the concentration of multiple green measures are debatable.

Merck-Serono Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland, 2007

Architects: Helmut Jahn, Francisco Gonzalez/JAHN, LLC

8 中庭/Atrium

9-11 内景/Interior view

12 立面/Facade

13.14 幕墙细部/Facade detail

15 幕墙剖面分析/Facade sectional diagram

16 中庭夜景/Atrium night view

17 巨门/Monumental door (7.8m×11m)

18 可开启屋顶和通风口/Operable roof and air vent

19 会议厅/Conference room
