Seven Steps to Volunteer

2016-11-25 07:02Track
疯狂英语·初中天地 2016年3期

Track 7

from wikiHow


Seven Steps to Volunteer


Track 7

from wikiHow


Step 1, consider why you want to volunteer. Do you want to help the world or your1)community? Do you want to make new friends or learn something useful? Do you want to share your2)gifts with others or give something back? Examining these sorts of questions can help you to choose the right direction for your volunteer work.

Step 2, choose an organization that is3)meaningful to you. There are organizations doing all sorts of work, and it is especially important with volunteer work that you choose something that you4)value. Organizations exist for all sorts of purposes, so if5)dishing up food at a soup kitchen注1doesn’t sound like your cup of tea注2, consider building homes, or volunteering at a hospital or6)animal shelter.

Step 3, join an organization and test whether it suits your skills and interests. Of course, you can develop new skills and learn many things by volunteering, but your volunteer work can still be7)compatible with your interests. If you’re an outgoing person, you might not have much fun in the8)back office9)filing papers.

Step 4, start small. If you’re really busy, volunteer your time for an hour or two per week or perhaps one day per month. (Just about anybody can10)free up that much time

注1:Soup kitchen指救济贫民、灾民的“流动厨房”。

注2:Cup of tea在口语中指“喜爱的事物,心爱之人”。

注3:Get one’s feet wet字面上的意思是“把某人的脚弄湿”,表示“初次尝试做某事”。

1) community [kə'mjuːnItI] n. 社区

2) gift [gIft] n. 天赋

3) meaningful ['miːnIŋfʊl] adj. 有意义的

4) value ['væljuː] v. 珍视,估价

5) dish up 把食物装盘,上菜

6) animal shelter 动物收容所

7) compatible [kəm'pætIbəl] adj. 兼容的

8) back offce 后勤部门

9) fle [faIl] v. 把……归档

10) free up 空出来,开放

11) accomplish [ə'kʌmplIʃ] v. 完成,实现

12) take on 开始做,承担

13) sign up 签约雇佣,报名参加

14) formal ['fɔːməl] adj. 正式的

15) enthusiasm [In'θjuːzIæzəm] n. 热情

16) infect [In'fekt] v. 感染easily. Try turning off the TV!) You might be surprised how much you can11)accomplish in even a little bit of time. Then, if you fnd you enjoy the work and have more time to do it, gradually12)take on more.

Step 5, get started! Ask plenty of questions and do your research, but until you13)sign up and get your feet wet注3, you won’t know if volunteering for an organization is really right for you.

Step 6, get training. If your organization has a14)formal training, attend it. If not, or if you still don’t know where to begin, ask to work with an experienced volunteer or group.

Step 7, have fun! You will accomplish more if you love what you do, and your15)enthusiasm will16)infect others.









Volunteer既是名词,也是形容词,还是动词。作名词时,表示“志愿者”;作形容词时,表示“志愿的,自愿参加的,义务的”;作动词时,表示“自愿做,主动提供”,volunteer to do sth.表示“志愿做某事,自愿做某事”。例如:

1) And for this, I need a volunteer.(为此,我需要一名志愿者。)

2) I want to be a volunteer teacher.(我想成为一名志愿教师。)

3) We all volunteered to paint the house.(我们都自愿粉刷这座房子。)
