
2018-06-08 10:21张丽
东方教育 2018年11期


摘要:在高中英语课堂上进行读写结合教学是近几年的研究趋势。本文以北师版必修教材Language Focus和Skill Focus中的阅读文章教学为例,提出读后仿写的活动设计。


第一节 内容仿写

内容仿写重在学生对单元语言素材的巩固和使用,使学生认识到阅读对于素材积累的重要性,养成阅读积累习惯,在使用中吸收语言。下面以北师版Book2 Unit6 Dream Houses为例。

Step 1:Lead-in. Enjoy some pictures of house. Ask which one is their favorite. Introduce some relative words about the house by showing some other pictures. [设计说明] 词汇学习,图片激趣。

Step 2: Pre-reading. Present a beautiful house on PPT, ask students to describe it. Give them an example first. Students need to pay attention to the sentence pattern. After that, show some other pictures and let students describe them by using the words and sentence pattern. [设计说明] 句式学习,进行模仿造句,引出下文。

Step 3: While-reading. (1) Fast-reading. Read quickly and find out where does the girl live now? Is she satisfied? Which of the house Sandra used to live? Which of these things would the girls dream houses have? Underline the key words and sentences. [设计说明] 快速阅读掌握大意,找出重要的单词和句式,进一步进行语料输入。

(2) Detail-reading. Read carefully and complete the sentences which describe Sandras dream house. Can you combine these sentences into one? [设计说明]通过课文学习虚拟语气的用法,用过连句成段的训练模仿写作过程,为写作做铺垫。

Step 4: Post-reading. Design your dream house. Group in four, you need to draw your dream house first, and then write down a short passage to describe it. [设计说明] 小组活动,先讨论并画出自己小组的dream house,再写下简介与全班同学分享。

Step 5: Evaluation. Present your drawings and composition to the whole class. Teacher polish their composition before class together. [设计说明] 发挥评价的作用,在修改中共同关注文章的要点,指导写作过程。选出优秀的小组进行奖励。

第二节 结构仿写

结构仿写是对语篇的运用,一方面使学生之后遇到类似的文章课激活相关结构图式;另一方面使写作更有条理性,更贴合英语思维方式,使表达内容更确切地道。下面就北师版Book 4 Unit11World News进行说明。

Step 1:Lead-in. How can we get information that we want? What kind of news is always reported in the media? [设计说明] 第一个问题复习与新闻相关的词汇。第二个问题对新闻内容进行分类,为下文两篇新闻的学习做铺垫。

Step 2: Pre-reading. Look at the headlines and pictures on page22&23, can you guess what kind of news are reported? [设计说明] 学以致用,根据图片和标题判断新闻类型,训练阅读策略。

Step 3: While-reading. (1) Fast-reading. Read the news quickly and then finish the table.

News Type What

News1 July, 5, 2005

News2 England

Where can you find out these information? [設计说明]让学生归纳出新闻所要包含的要素:时间(when)、地点(where)、人物(who)、事件(what)等。并提醒学生注意新闻的结构特点。

(2) Detail-reading. Read the news carefully and then lets answer the following questions [设计说明]通过细读提取细节,训练学生阅读中提取信息的能力,并用回答问题的方式梳理出来,直观展现给学生,让其学习新闻报道的语言特征。

Step 4: Post-reading. Before class I sent some envelopes to each group of four. Now please open them. There are some pictures on the paper. Try to write some news according to the pictures. Remember to use news sentence pattern and structure. [设计说明]让学生在形式上进行模仿,表达与自己生活贴近的话题。通过小组合作交流完成写作任务,课堂及时修改点评来巩固写作效果。

Step 5: Homework. Polish your report first, and then make a newspaper by using the news you write. [设计说明] 让学生用自己的新闻报道制作成一张报纸,全班齐动手,激发合作学习的兴趣。

Unit6 I’m going to study computer science.Section A 1a—1c
Unit 4 Making the newsReading