
2020-03-22 21:34
疯狂英语·新策略 2020年5期




1. B 2. C 3. D 4. B



1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. C



1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. D



1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A



1. C 2. D 3. B 4. B



1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B



1. B 2. D 3. C 4. C



1. D 2. A 3. C



1. B 2. D 3. C


Employees are urged not to smoke in their office.



1. A 2. C 3. C


It is the first time that I have seen such an interesting artwork.



1. D 2. D 3. C


Although my grandmother is old, she can do twice as much work as I can do in terms of weaving.



1. D 2. B 3. D 4. D


Many have begun to be aware of new challenges for job seekers.



1. E 2. F 3. C 4. G 5. A


With so many people supporting him, the young man was more confident of himself and worked harder.



1. figure out 2. acquiring 3. soul 4. decision 5. value 6. signs 7. bound 8. turned out 9. regain 10. believe


Having realized that he had made a serious mistake, the boy immediately turned to his mother for help.




Dear Tom,

Among the dozens of optional courses offered this term, I'd like to recommend you take calligraphy. The reasons are as follows.

As a Chinese saying goes, “The style is the man.” It means the writing style resembles the writer's personality. That is why I think you should improve your handwriting. Second, calligraphy is an important part of Chinese culture.You can learn how Chinese characters are formed while practicing calligraphy. There are two classes every week, when experts will give you lectures on how to write with pens and brushes. All you need is to buy a brush and a bottle of ink in advance. I'm sure you will have a lot of fun.

Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua


Dear David,

Learning that you're intended to visit a Chinese city during your summer holiday, I strongly recommend you pay a visit to Hangzhou.

As one of the most popular tourist cities in China, Hangzhou is famous for its long history and natural beauty like the West Lake. Besides,silk and tea products produced in Hangzhou are appealing to visitors from home and abroad. You can choose to take a plane or high-speed railway to travel there. Of course, the buses and subways in Hangzhou can make your trip more comfortable.

I'm looking forward to your coming!Yours,Li Hua



Task 1

1. traditional 2. a 3. attacking 4. to create 5. softness 6. who 7. correctly 8. is believed 9. has done 10. it

Task 2

1. around 2. who 3. to gain/of gaining 4. but 5. winning 6. attraction 7. their 8. expected 9. healthy 10. speaks

Task 3

1. importantly 2. harmful 3. was made 4. natural 5. for 6. a 7. related 8. sizes 9. it 10. allowing

Task 4

1. but 2. explorer 3. a 4. my 5. was made 6. easily 7. variety 8. used 9. tried 10. eating

Task 5

1. who 2. excitement 3. highest 4. have joined 5. largely 6. with 7. hidden 8. containing 9. is called 10. a

Task 6

1. known 2. between 3. curiosity 4. where 5. centuries 6. a 7. its 8. was absorbed 9. Rarely 10. visiting

Task 7

1. the 2. to encourage 3. have participated 4. it 5. and 6. organizer 7. starting 8. more/many 9. helps 10. results

Task 8

1. conducting 2. was identified 3. with 4. characteristics 5. have been found 6. named 7. who 8. immediately 9. Further 10. the

Task 9

1. but 2. are limited 3. For 4. listening 5. distance 6. to think 7. ways 8. beneficial 9. extremely 10. running/it

Task 10

1. to win 2. claiming 3. a 4. which 5. shook 6. truly 7. competitors 8. height 9. to 10. eats

Task 11

1. wearing 2. flew 3. safely 4. equipment 5. but 6. to fit 7. him 8. was forced 9. feet 10. for

Task 12

1. to count 2. that 3. With 4. an 5. found 6. increasingly 7. companies 8. organizer 9. suitable 10. is

Task 13

1. playing 2. spent 3. decision 4. from 5. beneficial 6. desperately 7. how 8. a 9. piles 10. are

Task 14

1. a 2. to be 3. simply 4. was/were attracted 5. farmer's 6. that 7. bent 8. yours 9. had taken 10. given


第一部分 阅读理解



【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了历史上给人类做出突出贡献的四位女科学家, 她们在各自的领域取得了骄人的成绩。

1. A 细节题。 根据最后一段可知, 这种蛋白质有可能起到双重阻断作用,同时刺激癌症, 且有助于伤口和骨折的愈合。 所以Anita Roberts的研究对患者有益。

2. D 细节题。 根据第3段中的She was a winner of the first Wolf Prize in Physics and was often compared with Marie Curie可知,吴健雄是物理学中第一个沃尔夫奖的获得者, 被誉为“东方居里夫人”。

3. B 推断题。根据第1段可知,格雷斯·霍珀是美国的计算机科学家和海军军官; 芭芭拉·麦克林托克是一位美国科学家, 曾获得著名的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。 因此,她们都是美国人。



4.B 词义推断题。根据continues to claim a few lives yearly可知,攀登珠峰,每年都会让一些人丧命。 故画线词意为“危险的”。

5. D 细节题。 根据第3段的The major problem is inexperience可知,在David Morton看来,这些事故的主要原因是缺少经验。

6. C 推断题。 根据第4段可知,尽管出现这些灾难,尼泊尔旅游局不打算限制明年许可证的数量。 再根据第2段的珠峰上人员的死亡主要是因为攀登者过多。 由此可推知,作者对此做法暗含批评的意思。

7. A 主旨题。 本文主要讲述了近期攀登珠峰导致的人员伤亡的数字越来越大,在作者看来是登山人数太多导致交通拥堵使然,登山之旅风险重重。


【语篇解读】回收利用玻璃对保护环境有很大的影响。 本文主要介绍了玻璃被回收的过程,并号召读者从我做起,为玻璃的回收利用贡献一份力量。

8. D 细节题。 根据第3段的“When glass arrives at a recycling plant, people and machines sort it by color.”可知,回收利用玻璃的第一步是将其按颜色进行分类整理。

9. B 细节题。 第5段提到玻璃制造商喜欢碎玻璃,接下来的一句“It's cheaper than the raw materials they'd need to make new glass.”介绍了原因:回收利用的碎玻璃比制造新玻璃所需要的原材料更廉价。 也就是说,碎玻璃帮助他们削减成本。

10. A 推断题。 在最后一段中,作者首先利用两个问句引导读者针对日常生活中的玻璃回收利用进行反思,然后用“With everyone doing their part, recycling glass can make a huge difference to the planet! ”发出号召,鼓励读者参与对玻璃的回收利用。

11. A 主旨题。 分析文章的结构和内容可知,第1段引出话题,第2段强调回收利用玻璃的重要性,第3至7段介绍了玻璃被回收的过程,最后一段发出号召。综上可知,本文主要介绍的是玻璃是如何被回收利用的。其他细枝末节只是文章中的部分内容,不是主要内容。


【语篇解读】本文是一篇议论文。竞争产生失败者和胜利者。这一事实造就了一项简单的规则,用来判断它何时对社会有益,何时造成危险。 在教育领域如何正确理解竞争呢?

12. C 细节题。 根据第2段可知, 教育具有典型性,市场和父母的利己之心将使得好学校蓬勃发展。

13. C 细节题。 根据第3段可知, 政府希望能利用家庭的抱负为其子女提供尽可能最好的教育。

14. C 推断题。 根据第3段可知, 家庭的野心本质上是有限的, 只有部分家庭能成功,不会扩展到所有人的孩子身上。

15. B 推断题。根据第4段可知,作者指出学区是一种预先排除运行机制,它使贫穷家庭的孩子远离好学校, 导致我们都变得更穷了,所以这不是一个双赢的体系。


【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。我们都知道, 好的学习习惯不仅有助于学习成绩的提高,还有助于改善学生在校的表现。那么,如何养成好的学习习惯呢?

16. E 本句为结论句。 根据上文可知,此处选择E项“你会发现养成一个新习惯并不需要那么长时间”,紧承上文说明。

17. C 本句为过渡句。上文提到记录作业的最合乎逻辑的地方是你的计划表,但你可能更喜欢记在一个简单的笔记本里的待办事项列表里,此处选择C项“你用什么工具并不重要”。

18. D 本句为主题句。 根据后面语境可知, 此段主要论述了记得把作业本带到学校,故答案为D项。

19. G 本句为过渡句。本段主旨是与老师充分沟通交流,此处选择G项“在一天结束的时候,确保你理解每一项老师想要你做的任务”,呼应主题。

20. F 本句为细节句。本段主旨是建立家庭学习区,此处F项“找一个适合你个性和学习风格的地方学习”符合语境。

第二部分 语言知识运用


【语篇解读】 本文介绍了一位11岁的小姑娘从鳄鱼口中救出小伙伴的感人故事, 小姑娘的勇敢备受称赞。

21. B 下文介绍了11岁的小姑娘Rebecca Munkombwe从鳄鱼的口中救出同伴的故事,由此判断jaws“嘴巴”符合语境。

22. C 这群小孩子是在离家不远的小溪(stream)里游泳的。

23. A 根据后面的语境可知,Latoya Muwani被鳄鱼咬住了, 所以她发出了尖叫(screams)。

24. D 这个11 岁的小姑娘Rebecca Munkombwe看到小伙伴被鳄鱼拖进水里,很震惊( shocked)。

25. D 后面Rebecca Munkombwe跳到鳄鱼背上可知, 她看到鳄鱼正把小伙伴拖进(dragged)水里。

26. C 其他小伙伴吓得四处奔逃。 scared意为“吓坏了”。

27. B 这个小姑娘没有跑,反而跑向鳄鱼去救小伙伴,可知她很勇敢(brave)。

28. D 这个小姑娘用(with)她的拳头击打鳄鱼。

29. C 毕竟人单势孤,小姑娘的击打好像没有给鳄鱼造成麻烦(bother)。

30. B 小姑娘看到击打不起效果,开始用手指戳鳄鱼的眼睛, 鳄鱼就松开了(loosened)撕咬。

31. C 由上文可知,其他小伙伴都已经离开了小溪,只留下Latoya一个人。 leave alone意为“独自一个人”。

32. A 小姑娘Rebecca 告诉《星期日泰晤士报》,当时她有救人的急切愿望。

33. C 小姑娘用拳头击打鳄鱼,可知她是赤手空拳的。 bare意为“裸露的”。

34. B 上一句提到鳄鱼的眼睛被戳伤,不得不放(released)了那个小伙伴。

35. A 鳄鱼松开了口, 没有继续攻击她们,所以她们很幸运(fortunately)。

36. D 此处指小姑娘Rebecca补充说道(added)。

37. B 根据全文可知,故事的发展跌宕起伏,可以说是格外引人注目,故用Remarkably。

38. A 小姑娘Rebecca利用自己的勇敢与机智成功(managed)救出了小伙伴。

39. D 小伙伴Latoya也幸运逃出鳄鱼的撕咬,只受了一些轻伤,当地医院治疗(treated)了她。

40. A 小伙伴Latoya的父母亲对Rebecca的勇敢称赞有加,感谢她救出了女儿。



41. sweeter 考查形容词比较级。 根据空前的修饰比较级的副词even可知,此处填形容词的比较级形式。

42. lying 考查非谓语动词。 分析语境可知,此处应该是现在分词短语作伴随状语。

43. with 考查介词。 语境: 从某种意义上讲,世界和她一起在庆祝。 with在这里意为“和”。

44. estimated 考查时态。 根据本段的时态可知,此处应用一般过去式。

45. likely 考查副词。 修饰动词delivered应该用其副词形式。

46. births 考查名词。 根据空前的数词39可知,此处应用名词复数形式。

47. where 考查定语从句。 分析句子结构可知, 该空为非限制性定语从句的引导词,修饰表地点的先行词The United States,关系副词where在定语从句中作地点状语。

48. to reach 考查非谓语动词。 expect to do sth是常考动词短语,意思是“希望……”,其中,不定式作宾语。

49. dangerous 考查词性转换。 该空后的time是名词,故用形容词作定语,此处指危险时期。

50.what 考查宾语从句。 根据空前的介词despite“尽管”可知,此处用what引导宾语从句。

第三部分 写作

第一节 短文改错

I've been in Shanghai for weeks and it has all gone by soNow I'mreflecting on how this experience hasbetter understand Chinese culture.Shanghai haspopulation of over 23 million people,is more than the population of the top 8 most populated cities in the US combined. During my stay in China, I've met Chineseshirts with English words on them, and heard American music coming fromI've felt comfortable in China, and although theredifferences, it's not hard to adjust. Chinese culture is different,Western culture is different, too. In this way, they're so similar

第二节 书面表达

Dear Sir/Madam,

I've learned that our school is holding the 2020 Chinese and Foreign Student Carnival,which aims at creating a good international atmosphere on campus. You need some hosts.I'm writing to apply for the position. I'm confident that I'm equal to it.

I have a good command of spoken Chinese and English. What's more, years of experience of being a monitor makes me a brilliant organizer.

All in all, I think my enthusiasm and full sense of responsibility will prove me a qualified host. I'd appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration and give me a chance.

Wish our carnival a great success! Looking forward to your reply.Yours truly,

Li Hua
