A best way of the kelp

2020-07-14 08:27杨春吉
求学·理科版 2020年7期


The kelp, formerly known as Kun bu, is a large brown alga that grows in seawater. The kelp is shaped like a ribbon, so it is called the kelp. There are two kinds of the kelp, natural and cultured. The kelp is a kind of very common edible alga. The kelp is rich in much iodine and other trace elements, so it becomes many peoples favorite seafood.  It is an important source of iodine for many people.


The kelp is the apple of most peoples eye. Whether it is served coldly, made into soup or served with other dishes, the kelp always tastes very delicious. But why does the kelp have to be knotted when cooking? Many people join in the explanation. Some people say: The kelps knot is to prevent iodines from slipping, when people use chopsticks to clip it. While others think: The kelp should have their own shape. How beautiful the kelp knot looks!


Some people also question: We make a kelp knot in order to prevent the kelps from slipping. Why dont we make a knot on sheet jelly and wide powder? They have the same shape as the kelp!


Different people have different opinions. Why does the kelp have to be knotted when cooking? Is it really just for its nice looks? Truth to tell, the kelp knot isnt just for aesthetics, but for preventing iodines loss. The main reason is: they dont stick to the pot when cooking. When the kelp is cooked, the surface of the kelp turns sticky, sticky and slippery, and if it is sliced and placed in a pan, it becomes layered.  Dont mention using chopsticks to clip it, but it is hard for us to break it with your hands. If the kelp stick on the pot, it will get burnt. This is not really what we wanted!  So, the kelp must be knotted when cooking.  Thus, cooking or eating the kelp is very convenient and easy.  Why not do it?

大家的回答真是众说纷纭,莫衷一是。海带在烹饪时为什么要打个结呢?真的是单纯为了好看吗? 说实在的,海带打结不仅是为了美观、防止碘流失,主要原因在于防止海带烹饪时粘锅。海带水煮之后表面会变得滑溜溜、黏糊糊,如果直接切成片放锅里就会变得一层叠一层,别说用筷子,就算我们用手都很难弄开。如果海带粘在锅上,贴近锅面的会煳掉的。这可不是我们想要的!所以,海带在烹饪时一定要打个结,这样对烹饪、食用都非常方便,何乐而不为呢?

Have you got it?  There are many things in our everyday life, just for convenience and ease. Use your head, and you can manage it easily!

你明白了吗? 生活中有很多事情仅仅是为了方便、轻松而已。动动脑筋,你就会很容易明白的!

Precautions for the kelps consumption:

Dont eat the kelp as main food. The kelp cannot be used as main food for a long time. The kelp has a high iodine content. If you take too much iodine, it will have a bad effect on your health. The kelp contains a certain amount of arsenic. Too much arsenic intake will cause arsenic poisoning. Therefore, before eating the kelp, it is necessary to wash it  to make arsenic dissolve in water and reduce arsenic content.

The kelp cannot be soaked for a long time. Because the soaking time is too long, the nutrients in the kelp, such as water-soluble vitamin and inorganic salt will be dissolved in water, and the nutritional value will be reduced.

Dont drink tea or sour fruit immediately after eating the kelp. Because the kelp is rich in iron, tea and sour fruit can block the absorption of iron.

Patients with hyperthyroidism should not eat the kelp. Because the kelp is rich in iodine, it will make the disease worse. If pregnant women and lactating mothers eat too much the kelp, the iodine in the kelp will enter the fetus and infants body with blood, causing thyroid dysfunction.







1.According to the passage, many people love eating the kelp, because()

A.the soup made of  the kelp tastes delicious.

B.the dish made of the kelp eats easily.

C.the kelp is rich in much iodine and other trace elements.

D.the kelp is good for building our health.

2.Eating too much the kelp will cause()

A.arsenic poisoning.                  B.iodine poisoning.

C.the absorption of iron.            D.thyroid dysfunction.

3.According to the passage, perhaps()got burnt very easily.

A.the top layer.                            B.the bottom layer.

C.the layer stuck to the hot pot.

D.the passage doesnt tell us at all.

4.The author thinks the kelp should be made a knot when cooking, because.()

A. it can prevent the iodines loss.

B. it can look nice.

C. it is easy for people to clip the kelp.

D. it can prevent the kelp sticking to the hot pot when cooking.


1.C。细节理解题。分析第一段倒数第2句“The kelp is rich in much iodine and other trace elements, so it becomes many peoples favorite seafood.”可知,答案是C项。

2.A。推理判断题。根据第七段倒数第2句“Too much arsenic intake will cause arsenic poisoning.”分析可知,A项是正确的。

3.C。细节理解题。从第四段倒数第3行“If the kelp stick on the pot, it will get burnt.”可知,烹饪时海带打结主要是防止贴近锅底层的海带糊锅。故选C项。

4.D。主旨理解题。分析第四段正数第3行“The main reason is: they dont stick to the pot when cooking.”可知,D项紧扣文章主题。


1.Whether it is served coldly, made into soup or served with other dishes, the kelp always tastes very delicious. (第二段正数第二句)


分析:这是一个复合句。whether... or...是个连词词组,意为“不管……还是……”。它常用来引导让步状语从句。又如:

Whether you or he must finish your homework on time, it is a school rule. 不管是你还是他都必须按时完成作业,这是学校的规定。

Whether you are out or at home, epidemic prevention is a very important thing. 无论你外出还是在家,防疫情是很重要的一件事情。

2.Use your head, and you can manage it very easily. (第五段最后一句)


分析:该句为“祈使句+and /then +简单句”句式。and/then表示顺承关系。在英语中,祈使句除了表示建议、请求、命令、警告、责备、叮嘱、号召等语气外,还可以表示“含蓄”条件。这类句子可以转化为“if条件句,+ 主句”形式(本句可以改为:If you use your head, you can manage it easily. 如果你动动脑筋,你就会很容易搞定的。)。祈使句表示“条件”用法主要有以下四类情形:

(1)祈使句+and /then +简单句。该类用法的句子可以转化为“if条件句,+ 简单句”。

Work hard and you will pass the examination. (= If you work hard, you will pass the examination.) 如果你努力學习,你考试会过关的。

Give him an inch and he will take an ell.(= If you give him an inch,he will take an ell.)【谚】 得寸进尺。

(2)祈使句+or +简单句。该类用法的句子可以转化为“if条件句(将原句转变为否定陈述句),+ 简单句”。在该类句型中,可以用otherwise,or else替代or。

Hurry up or we will be late for school. (=If we dont hurry up, we will be late for school.) 抓紧啦!否则我们会上学迟到的。

(3)名词词组+and+简单句。在这类用法中,名词词组是if条件句的 “简化”。理解时要根据句意进行“还原”。该类用法的句子可以转化为“if条件句,+ 简单句”。

One more hour, and I will do it better. (= If you give me one more hour, I will do it better.) 如果你再给我一个小时,这件事我会干得更好。

One more step, and you will fall off the platform. (= If you make one more step, you will fall off the platform.)如果你再向前走一步,你就会从平台上掉下去的。

(4)祈使句+破折号+简单句。在该类情形中,简单句中常含有can,may,must等表示 “推测”含义的情态动词或maybe,perhaps等含有 “推测”意味的副词。该类用法的句子可以转化为“if条件句,+ 简单句”。

Stick to you own views — they might give in to you. (= If you stick to your own views, they might give in to you.)如果你坚持自己的观点的话,也许他们会折服于你的。


1.alga n.藻类;海藻     2. ribbon n. 带状物     3. cultured  adj. 人工养殖的   4. edible adj. 可食用的    5. iodine n. 碘    6. trace element n. 微量元素    7. knot v. 打结   8.  aesthetics n. 美观     9. slippery adj. 滑的    10. layered  adj. 分层的;层叠的  11. precautions  n. 注意事项   12. arsenic n. 砷    13 . dissolve v. 溶解    14. soak v. 浸泡     15. water-soluble adj. 水溶性的  16. inorganic adj. 无机的   17. absorption  n. 吸收    18. hyperthyroidism  n. 甲亢      19. pregnant   adj. 怀孕的   20. lactating  women  哺乳期妇女    21. the fetus and infant 胎儿和婴儿    22. thyroid dysfunction  甲状腺功能障碍
