
2014-03-20 17:17周珍珠
中学生英语·阅读与写作 2014年2期



In 1996, treasure hunter Brock Lovett and his team are searching the wreck[1] of RMS Titanic for an invaluable diamond necklace, the Heart of the Ocean. They recover a steel safe containing a drawing of a young woman wearing only the necklace. The drawing is dated April 14, 1912, the day Titanic struck the iceberg. Later Rose Dawson Calvert visits Lovett and claims to be the person in the drawing, telling him her experiences aboard Titanic.


In 1912, at the harbor of Southampton, a 17-year-old first-class passenger Rose, her fiancé Cal Hockley and her mother Ruth board Titanic. Distraught[2] over the engagement[3], Rose considers committing suicide by jumping from the stern. Jack Dawson, a poor artist, convinces[4] her not to.


Because of Cal and Ruths disapproval, Rose rebuffs Jack to meet him again, but later realizes she has fallen in love with Jack. After the date on the stern at sunset, Rose takes Jack to her stateroom and displays[5] Cals engagement present: the Heart of the Ocean. Then she asks Jack to draw a sketch of her, serving as the witness of their love. The pair later notices that their ship is getting close to an iceberg and overhear the ships officers and designer discussing its seriousness.


When the ship hits the iceberg and begins to sink, Rose gives up getting on the lifeboats with other women and children, wanting to stay with Jack who is still on board. All lifeboats have departed[6] and passengers are falling to their deaths as the stern rises from the water. As the

stern sinks into the ocean, Jack finds a floating plank which can only carry one person. Jack helps Rose to get onto the a plank without a second thought and stays in the cold sea holding the edge of the plank. Jack makes Rose promise to him that she will die an old woman, warm in her bed. In the end, He dies from hypothermia in the sea but Rose is saved.


Hearing Roses story, Lovett gives up the plan of looking for the necklace. Actually the necklace is not left in the wreck of Titanic but still kept by Rose. That night Rose comes to the place of Titanics wreck and drops the necklace, which she has kept for many years, into the sea. The necklace will bring Roses love to Jack and company[7] him forever.


Love has always been hard to explain only by words. But on that ship—Titanic, the greatness of love is interpreted[8] incisively and vividly[9]. When disaster comes, not only the touching love between lovers but also profound affection between family members is totally expressed by the passengers. Most of them died in the accident but love is eternal in all ages.


[1] wreck n. 失事

[2] distraught adj. 发狂的;心烦意乱的

[3] engagement n. 婚约

[4] convince v. 说服

[5] display v. 显示

[6] depart v. 离开;出发

[7] company v. 陪伴

[8] interpret v. 解释

[9] vividly adv. 生动地
