
2023-09-20 08:00文丽莉
中学教学参考·语英版 2023年5期


[摘 要]“四度六步”教学法是基于初中数学教学实践提出来的,同时用在英语教学中也未尝不可。虽然学科不同,但是课堂教学的目标都是提升学生核心素养、知识水平和学习能力,其价值不应局限于初中数学教学。文章从初中英语听说课课堂实践出发,对“四度六步”教学法的相关理论进行进一步探索和研究,以期为初中英语教学的其他课型提供借鉴。


[中图分类号]    G633.41            [文献标识码]    A          [文章编号]    1674-6058(2023)13-0022-04





















笔者以“四度六步”教学法为基础,对新课标下的英语课堂教学模式进行深入研究,尤其对该教学法在初中英语听说课中的实践进行研究,以期提升学生的英语核心素养,提高学生学习英语的效率和多维度的能力。下面以外研社版英语教材八年级上册Module 2 “My home town and my country”中的Unit 1 “Its taller than many other buildings.”为例,深入探究“四度六步”教学法在英语听说课中的实践与运用。以下为具体的教学设计过程(本课在智慧课堂环境下讲授,[T]为教师教学活动,[S]为学生学习活动)。

【Step 1】 Revision(复习,温故)

[T] Before the class, talk with students about the ways of learning English.

[S] Share what they have learned from Module 1.

Purpose: Go over the key points or sentences of Module 1.

【Step 2】 Warming-up (热身,引新)

[T] At the beginning of the class, play a short video of the teachers home town. A question will be raised after watching it.

[S] Answer the questions “Where is my home town?”.

Purpose: Before the class, showing a video of teachers home town can arouse students interest and lead to the topic naturally. From the video, students can learn the new words and the expressions in a topic?related situation to introduce their home town.

【Step 3】 Listening Task 1 (听力任务1,探究)

[T] Make a table about Shanghai and Hong Kong. Before listening, ask students to predict what kinds of words they will be.

[S] Listen and complete the table. Then, check the answers carefully.

Purpose: In order to help students to understand the listening material better, this table can make it more clear. Prediction makes students catch the key information correctly.

【Step 4】 Listening Task 2(听力任务2,变式)

[T] Show students 3 multiple?choice questions about Shenzhen on the screen. Before listening, ask students to circle the key words.

[S] Listen carefully and choose the correct answers.

[T] When time is up, check the answers and see the winner who gets full marks and uses the shortest time.

Purpose: Before listening, students should learn the listening skills. Finding out the key words is useful for students to focus on details. After listening, the data can reflect students performance directly and help teachers make the comments more objective and accurate.

【Step 5】 Listening Task 3 (听力任务3,变式)

[T] Make a table about more details of Shenzhen. Before listening, ask students to predict what kind of word it will be.

[S] Listen and complete the table. Then, check the answers carefully.

Purpose: In order to help students to understand the dialogue better, this table can make it more clearly. Prediction makes students catch the key information correctly.

[T] According to the table, raise some questions about the location, population and buildings of Shenzhen. Ask students to answer in complete sentences.

[S] Use complete sentences to describe the location, population and buildings of Shenzhen.

Purpose: Asking and answering questions can help students train the sentence patterns.

【Step 6】 Watch and think(尝试1,观察和思考)

[T] Play a short video of Shenzhen for students. At the same time, ask the students to think about the following questions:

1. What is Damings feeling to Shenzhen?

2. In your opinion, what will Shenzhen be like in the future?

[S] Watch and think about the questions. After watching, answer the questions.

【Step 7】 Read it aloud—Use your iPad and read the dialogue carefully(尝试2,朗读课文)

[T] Ask students to use iPad and read the dialogue sentence by sentence.

[S] Read the dialogue loudly, correctly, fluently and beautifully.

[T] When the times up, collect the data and show the results. Ask top 2 students to make an example. Then, ask the whole class to check their reading and read the dialogue again.

Purpose: Reading the dialogue after the tape on iPad is good for improving students pronunciation. Playing the recording can set a good example for other students.

【Step 8】 Memory game and mind map(嘗试3,记忆游戏和思维导图)

[T] Ask students to memorize five key sentences, and then play a memory game with them. After the game, instruct students to draw the mind map of introducing places according to location, population and buildings.

[S] Recite five important sentences, and then play the memory game. After the game, draw the mind map of introducing places according to the location, population and buildings.

Purpose: Memorizing key sentences can help students grasp the important sentence patterns and the structure of the whole dialogue.The mind map can help students finish the following speaking task well.

【Step 9】 Practice(实践)

[T] Ask students to use Baidu to search for information about their home town and compare it with Shenzhen.

[S] Use Baidu to search for information about their home town and compare it with Shenzhen.

Purpose:After learning about Shenzhen, its time for students to introduce their home town with the help of Baidu. Students can broaden their horizon through searching for information by themselves.

【Step 10】 Speaking (提升,对话练习)

[T] Ask students to talk about their home town and compare it with Shenzhen with their partners.

[S] Talk about their home town and compare it with Shenzhen with their partners and then show their conversation to the whole class.

Purpose:When students talk about their home town and compare it with Shenzhen, they will review the sentence structures again.

【Step 11】 Summary (总结)

[T] Make a summary of this class. Pose some pictures of home town and guide the students to express “We should love our home town”.

【Step 12】 Self-assessment(自我评价)

[T] Ask students to have a self?assessment about what they have learned on their iPad.

1. I can read aloud the dialogue.

2. I can understand the listening.

3. I can talk about my home town.

4. I can compare two cities.

5. I can work with others actively.

[S]  Finish the self-assessment on their iPad.

Purpose: By the self-assessment, teacher can get the feedback quickly and know how many students have learned in todays lesson, which can help teacher adjust the teaching plan for the next lesson.

【Step 13】 Homework(家庭作业)

1. Make a poster to compare your home town with Shenzhen. Please send me your homework on E-mail.

The poster should include:





2. Do a movie dubbing.

Purpose: Making a poster can show students ideas in an interesting way and it can make students learn to cooperate with others. Movie dubbing can improve students speaking after class.

【Step 14】 Blackboard design(板書设计)

Module 2 My home town and my country

Unit 1 “Its taller than many other buildings.”

图1    家乡介绍思维导图



[   参   考   文   献   ]

[1]  戴启猛. “四度六步”教学法的探索与实践[M].桂林:漓江出版社,2021.

[2]  王枬. 创造师生共同发展的精彩课堂:对戴启猛初中数学“四度六步教学法”的评析[J].广西教育,2020(5):28-30.

[3]  魏书生. 魏书生与民主教育[M].北京:北京师范大学出版社,2015.

[4]  王彩莉,万燚. 魏书生教育思想在教学中的运用[J].文学教育(下),2021(12):48-50.

[5]  李卯,李林. “45+0”向“10+35”转变的几点疑问:基于“杜郎口教学模式”的思考[J].教育与教学研究,2009(10):109-111.

[6]  邱学华. 尝试教学研究50年[J].课程·教材·教法,2013(4):3-13,32.

[7]  中华人民共和国教育部.义务教育英语课程标准:2022年版[M].北京:北京师范大学出版社,2022.

(责任编辑    黄    晓)
