
2016-06-05 08:41王文宾邓雯雯达庆利
管理工程学报 2016年2期

王文宾,邓雯雯,白 拓,达庆利,聂 锐


王文宾1,邓雯雯1,白 拓1,达庆利2,聂 锐1

(1. 中国矿业大学管理学院,江苏徐州,221116;2. 东南大学经济管理学院,江苏南京,211189)



0 引言


近年来国内外有一些文献致力于逆向物流与逆向/闭环供应链的研究。达庆利等(2004)[1]论述了逆向物流系统结构研究的现状并展望了未来的研究方向。Savaskan[2]分析了逆向供应链的结构选择问题。再制造逆向供应链问题涉及到不少利益相关者,要顺利实现废旧电器电子产品(Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment,WEEE)的回收再制造,必须保证它们的利益协调。已有部分文献研究了再制造逆向供应链的协调问题。黄颖颖等[3]研究了逆向供应链的定价与激励机制。Kaya[4]研究了再制造产品与新制造产品部分可替代的决策。






1 问题描述


图1 碳排放约束下制造商竞争的基于政府奖惩机制的逆向供应链结构

奖惩机制下逆向供应链的一般结构如图1 所示。政府给予制造商或回收商奖惩机制,机制主要包括奖惩力度、目标回收率等参数。制造商和制造商生产同一种电器电子产品,制造商优先使用WEEE生产,当WEEE的数量不足时用新材料生产,制造商不回收再制造WEEE,完全采用新材料生产新产品。消费者分别以价格和购买制造商和制造商的新产品,大型第三方回收商从消费者那里回收WEEE的回收率为,回收商不仅回收WEEE,还承担拆解、分拣等处理工作,具有回收处理功能。制造商以回购价从回收商处回购WEEE。政府的责任是引导逆向供应链回收再制造WEEE,制造商是WEEE的主要责任者,她主导逆向供应链。消费者既是新产品的购买者,又是WEEE的供应者。回收率奖惩机制是政府给予制造商的,政府规定目标回收率,如果逆向供应链的回收率低于目标回收率,则制造商或回收商受到政府的经济惩罚,反之,她们得到政府的经济奖励。碳排放奖惩机制是指政府规定的每个制造商总的碳排放量上限,当制造商生产新产品产生的碳排放量超过上限时,政府将处罚制造商;反之,政府将给予制造商奖励。

1.1 符号说明




2 模型描述




























3 五种情形下逆向供应链的决策结果比较及管理规律分析

命题1 单位碳排放量越多,逆向供应链集中系统的回收率越低;碳排放奖惩力度越大,逆向供应链集中系统的回收率越低;带碳排放约束的逆向供应链集中系统比无碳排放约束的逆向供应链集中系统的新产品价格提高。





4 算例


图2 回收率随奖惩力度的变化趋势


图3 回收率随产品替代系数的变化趋势

5 结语





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Design the Reward-penalty Mechanism for Reverse Supply Chains Based on Manufacturers’ Competition and Carbon Footprint Constraints

WANG Wen-bin1, DENG Wen-wen1,BAI Tuo1, DA Qing-li2,NIE Rui1

(1. School of Management, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China; 2. School of Economics and Management, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China)

This paper uses government’s reward and penalty mechanisms to guide manufacturers into cutting down carbon footprint and increasing collection rate of waste products. Furthermore, we analyze the interaction between carbon emission and collection rate, which aims to increase the collection rate of waste products and actively improve manufacturers to recycle and remanufacture waste products. Certainly, the ultimate purpose of this approach is that it can save resource and energy, and cut down air pollution in order to improve air quality and protect human.

Mainly considering the reward-penalty mechanism of reverse supply chains under manufacturers’ competition environment and from the perspective carbon emission, we develop five decision models: centralized decision-making of reverse supply chain, centralized decision-making of reverse supply chain with carbon emission constraints, decentralized decision-making of reverse supply chain under manufacturer’s competition, decentralized decision-making of reverse supply chain under manufacturer’s competition with carbon emission constraints, and decentralized decision-making of reverse supply chain under manufacturer’s competition with carbon emission constraints and government’s reward-penalty mechanisms. The main method used to develop these five models is dynamic game of Stackelgerg.

This paper considers two oligarch manufacturers,one recycler and one consumer in a reverse supply chain. There are two oligarch manufacturers: one does not recycle and remanufacture waste products and the other one does recycle and manufacture waste products. The government's responsibility is to encourage the reverse supply chain to recycle and remanufacture waste products based on reward-penalty mechanisms. The government decides the target collection rate. If the collection rate of the reverse supply chain does not exceed the target collection rate, the government will punish the manufacturers or recycler. On the contrary, the manufacturers or recyclers will be rewarded. Government dictates the reward-penalty mechanism of the carbon emission, which is the ceiling target of carbon emission to every manufacturer. When new products generate carbon footprint above the ceiling, the government will punish the manufacturers. Otherwise, the government will reward them. Manufacturers play key roles to recycle waste products. Recycler recycles waste products from the consumer. Recyclers not only recycle waste products, but also dismantle and sort out waste products. Recyclers perform the functions of recycling and disposing. Consumers are both buyers of new products and providers of waste products. In the scenario, the market structure is oligopoly and the government implementsreward-penalty mechanisms. We establish several kinds of game models by using parameters such as collection rate, target collection rate, which is decided by government and penalty levels. This study investigates the design method of the government reward-penalty mechanism and gains the regularities which affect the reverse supply chain. Furthermore, a numerical example considering the situation is used to illuminate the effect of the parameters, such as reward-penalty strength and products substitution coefficient, on collection rate.

In the first model, there are two scenarios. One scenario is that there is competition among manufacturers in some felids. The other scenario is completely monopoly manufacturer. The second model is centralized decision-making of a reverse supply chain. The model is different from other models in that the profit function of manufacturers is added to the carbon emission constraint option;In the third model, the manufacturers is the Stackelbergleader of the reverse supply chain. This multi-stage game consists of static and dynamic games. The fourth model is solved by backward induction. The fifth model is based on the extended responsibilities of producers. In this circumstance, the government gives reward-penalty mechanisms to the manufacturers to lead the recycler to recycle more waste products. In the fifth model, the effect of the carbon emission constraint on the collection rate of recycling remanufactures is related to such factors as the products substitution coefficient, the reward and penalty strength of the carbon emission, the unit carbon footprint of the two manufacturers and so on. The less the unit carbon footprint quantity of the recycle manufacturer and the more the unit carbon footprint quantity of the other manufacturer, the more collection rate increases.

Competition is beneficial to raising collection rate. The more intense the competition, the higher the collection rate is. The retail price of new products belongs to manufacturers because active recycling is lower and can create price-competitive advantage. The less the unit carbon footprint quantity of the recycle manufacturer and the more the unit carbon footprint quantity of the other manufacturer, the more collection rate can be increased. It is necessary for government to provide reward-penalty mechanism in order to increase the collection rate. A carbon emission constraint is disadvantageous to the increase of collection rate. Moreover, the selling price of the remanufactures increases.

This study explores the effect of government reward and penalty mechanisms on the competition of manufacturers. This paper has two major contributions. First, it introduces government reward and penalty mechanisms to influence manufacturers’ carbon emission and increase collection rate of waste products. Second, the findings of this study indicate that recycling resources can not only save resources, but also protect our environment by using reasonable government reward and penalty mechanisms.

competition; carbon emission; government’s reward-penalty mechanism; reverse supply chain; collection rate

中文编辑:杜 健;英文编辑:Charlie C. Chen








