
2017-09-27 17:22吴荣荣
课程教育研究·新教师教学 2015年6期


【摘 要】课堂教学是一个有机的整体,既要讲究科学性,又要讲究艺术性。“课堂导入”是整个课堂教学过程中的一个重要组成部分, 它能够起到承上启下,贯串整体的作用。课堂伊始,创设一种和谐愉悦的语言环境,能平定学生的情绪,激发学生的学习热情,对一节课的成功与否起着非常关键的作用,也是提高课堂教学效果的基本保证。著名教育家苏霍姆林斯基说:“如果教师不想办法使学生产生情绪高昂和智力振奋的内心状态,就急于传授知识,那么这种知识只能使人产生冷漠的态度,给不动感情的脑力劳动带来疲劳。”笔者以人民教育出版社出版的高中教材为材料,结合工作实际,对英语课堂导入进行了探究与实践。








(四)流畅性。课堂导入在安排布局上讲究由浅入深,由远及近,环环相扣,引人入胜,这种流畅性,能让师生互动,达到一种酣畅淋漓的精神上的享受 。




例如:人教版教材SBIII Unit2 Healthy eating

笔者是这样导入的:Before the class, lets have a competition. You will be divided into four groups. Please write some words weve learned about food, vegetables and fruits on the blackboard. Attention please:1). one student one word; 2). you cant write the same word as the others; 3). three minutes later, well check which group writes more words. Lets begin.

After the competition, the teacher and the students check the result together and announce the winner. Then the teacher says, “Everybody has to eat. There are so many words about food, vegetables and fruits on the blackboard, some of which are healthy while some are unhealthy. Do you eat a healthy diet? Do you know that the food you eat helps you grow in different ways?從而引出本文主题Healthy eating.


教师可以利用新课开始前几分钟和学生随意交谈(Free Talk),以求学生在不知不觉中进入新课。以人教版教材SBII Unit 3 Computers为例,该文贴近现实生活,主题鲜明,容易引起学生的阅读兴趣和共鸣。可以这样导入:

T: What do you usually do at home?

S: Watching TV, reading, doing our homework or playing computer games.

T: Who is the best gamer in your class?

S: …

T: What kind of game do you usually play ?

Do you know the history of computers?

How do computers develop?




人教版教材SBI Unit 2 English around the world

Prime Minister Blair wants to celebrate George Bushs birthday. Lets enjoy their dialogue.

Prime Minister Blair: Shall we go to the pub to celebrate your birthday?

George Bush: Wow, bar is a nice place.

Prime Minister Blair: Wow, I want a tin of Coca, some biscuits and sweets. What about you, Bush?

George Bush: Well, I want a can of milk tea, some cookies and some candies .

Prime Minister Blair: Great. I like football match very much, and you?

George Bush: Hey, lets go and see a soccer game. It is very exciting.

George Bush: Time to go. Lets go to the elevator together.

Prime Minister Blair: Oh no, the lift must be full of people this time.


(1) Can you tell the differences between A.E and B.E in vocabulary spelling?

(2) Can you tell the differences between A.E and B.E in vocabulary usage?

(3) Can you tell which accent is A.E and which is B.E? Please give an example.

(4) Which do you prefer, American English or British English? Why?


问卷调查的方式可以了解学生对所要学习内容的熟悉程度,也可以激发学生的学习兴趣和参与意识。例如,在学习人教版教材SBIII Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars Reading: How life began on the earth时,笔者做了这样一个问卷调查。

A questionnaire

1. How old is the earth?

A. About 3.5 billion years B. About 4.5 billion years

C. About 5.5 billion years D. About 6.5 billion years

2. ______ of the earth surface is covered by water.

A. 20% B. 30% C. 50% D. 70%

3. How many planets are there in the Solar System?

A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 9

4. What is the total population of humans on the earth?

A. About 3.5 billion B. About 4.5 billion

C. About 5.5 billion D. About 6.5 billion

5. How long does the rotation of the earth take?

A. 12 hours B. 24 hours

C. a month D. 365 days

6. Which continent is the smallest?

A. Africa B. North America

C. South America D. Oceania

7. On what day is the Earth day celebrated?

A. April 22 B. May 4

C. August 21 D. November 11

在筆者公布正确答案之后从而引出本文的标题:How life began on the earth.


适当了解一些成语、谚语及名人名言,有助于了解西方的文化及风土人情。以人教版教材SBI Unit 1 Friendship为例,教师可以引用一些谚语、诗歌等向学生传达人们对朋友和友谊的看法,以此来引起学生的兴趣和共鸣。

Poem: Friends

by Jill Eggleston

Friends care

Friends shareendprint

We need friends



A life without a friend is a life without a sun.

——French proverb

You can buy friendship with friendship, but never with dollars.


A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. With him, I may think aloud. ——Ralph Waldo Emerson

Real friendship is shown in time of trouble; prosperity is full of friends.



音乐能陶冶情操,不仅深受广大中学生的喜爱,而且也是学校进行审美教育的重要途径。用音乐导入能营造美好的课堂氛围,拨动学生的心灵,使学生有身临其境之感,达到了寓教于乐的目的。因此,用音乐作为呈现新知识点的手段往往能做到事半功倍。教師可根据课文的需要,直接让学生欣赏有关的音乐、歌曲,因势利导地组织学生讨论作品的主题等,如在人教版教材SBII Unit5 Music中可播放各种体裁的音乐,使学生感性认识课文的话题,使学生感到兴趣盎然。

在人教版教材SBIV Unit4 Body Language中,笔者播放了一首广为大家熟悉的英语歌曲“If you are happy”。

If youre happy and you know it clap your hands

If you're happy and you know it clap your hands

If you're happy and you know it never be afraid to show it

If you're happy and you know it clap your hands


这首歌曲不仅让学生对Body Language有了更深入的了解,也让课堂气氛热烈起来,学生的注意力快速转移到课堂上来。

人教版教材 SBI Unit3 Grammar: the Present Continuous Tense for Future use中运用了一首儿歌“Im babysitting on Thursday”来导入,非常形象、生动、诙谐、贴切。



以人教版教材SBIV Unit 3 A Taste of Humour Reading: A master of nonverbal humour为例。笔者在播放完The Gold Rush的片断并提问后,对Charlie Chaplin进行一个简单的介绍: Charlie Chaplin was a great silent movie star. Modern Times, The Little Tramp, The Gold Rush, City Light are his masterpieces. He was very popular in his time. 从而引出标题:A master of nonverbal humour.

人教版教材SBI Unit4 Earthquakes可以利用影片《唐山大地震》电影片段来导入。


通过讲故事、游戏、讨论、表演、小品及辩论等方式去创设一个情景模式,形式不拘,但内容紧密结合教材。学生积极参与,量身入境,对于一些社会热点问题展开讨论,这是了解社会、感知世界、接近社会的一种很好的方式,自然而然就会收到寓教于乐,提神激趣的效果,这不仅活跃了课前的气氛,还实现了新课的形象化导入。例如:人教版教材SBI Unit1 Friendship

At the beginning of our lesson Im going to tell you a story.

A young deer and a wise old crow lived together in the wood. Pam, the deer had little experience of the world, but Rob, the crow, knew all the ways of the other animals. One day, Pam saw Puk, a fox, come out from a tree towards her. “I need a friend,” said Puk hungrily. “Ill be your friends,” replied Pam. They went for a walk together in the field where Puk knew there was a trap. Pam was caught in it and could not move. Puk watched the farmer arrive with his knife to finish off Pam. Rob flew down to the field and said to Pam, “Lie down, and pretend you are dead.” Seeing Pam motionless, the farmer undid the trap. “Run!” shouted Rob and away Pam went. Back at home, Rob said to Pam, “You know a true friend by his acts not his words.”通过这个故事,让学生讨论,什么样的朋友才是真正的朋友以及什么是友谊。















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