
2017-02-16 03:16甘肃董耀忠
教学考试(高考英语) 2017年1期

甘肃 董耀忠


甘肃 董耀忠



【考例1】(改编自2015天津卷,3)Only when Lily walked into the off ce_______she realize that she had left the contract at home.


【考例2】(改编自2015湖南卷,21)It was when we were returning home________I realized what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble.

【解析】that。此句为“It is(was)+被强调部分+that(who)……”强调句结构。句意为:正是在我们回家的时候,我才意识到帮助别人于危难之时的感觉是多么令人愉悦。

【考例3】(2016上海卷,32)I was so impressed by_______self ess she was.

【解析】how。“how self ess she was”作介词by的宾语,为how修饰形容词self ess的感叹句结构。

【考例4】(2016全国卷Ⅲ,61)In much of Asia,especially the so-called “rice bowl” cultures of China,Japan,Korea,________Vietnam,food is usually eaten with chopsticks.




1. 句子按使用目的可分为:陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句。例如:

He can hardly speak an English word. 他几乎连一个英语单词也讲不出来。(陈述句)

Is there anything wrong with your pen? 你的钢笔有问题吗?(一般疑问句)

Have a cup of tea,will you?来杯茶,好吗?(反义疑问句)

How f uently he speaks English!他英语讲得多流利啊!(感叹句)

【要点速测】When you’ve f nished with that book,don’t forget to put it back on the shelf,________you?(填will。祈使句的反义疑问句)

2. 句子按结构可分为:简单句、并列句和复合句。其中:


I gave her a book.我给她一本书。(主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语)

I saw our headmaster walk out.我看见我们的校长出去了。(主语+及物动词+宾语+宾补)


①表示并列关系的:and,both...and...,not only...but(also)...和as well as等。 如:He likes not only playing basketball,but also playing football.

②表示转折关系的:but,while,however,yet和still等。如:Tom was rich while his brother was very poor.

③表示选择关系的:or,or else,otherwise,either... or...,neither...nor和not...but...等。如:Either you come to my place or I go to yours.

④表示因果关系的:for,so和therefore等。如:He didn’t work hard,therefore he failed in the examination.

【要点速测】In some places women are expected to earn money_______men work at home and raise their children.(填while。while在此处表示“而……”,连接并列句,含有对比的意思)


Don’t promise anything unless you are one hundred percent sure.(状语从句)

I’ll give you my friend’s home address,which is easy to f nd.(定语从句)

Tomorrow is Tom’s birthday. Have you got any idea where the party is to be held?(同位语从句)

【要点速测】We have some doubt________he can come here this afternoon.(填whether。引导同位语从句)



1. 强调句的句型:It is/was+被强调部分(强调除句子谓语和定语以外的其他完整的句子成分) +that/who(被强调部分为人时用who)+其他……。例如:

It was in the park that Tom lost his watch.是在公园里Tom丢了他的表。(强调地点状语)

【要点速测】It is what you do rather than what you say_______matters.(填that。“what you do rather than what you say”为被强调的句子成分,是“matters”的主语)

2. 强调句的疑问句型:一般疑问句只须把is/was提到it前;其特殊疑问句结构中,若被强调的是特殊疑问词时,用“特殊疑问词+is/was+that...?”。例如:

What is it that you want me to do? 你想要我去做什么事?(what提问do的宾语,为被强调成分)

【要点速测】—________was it that he managed to pass TOEFL?

—Oh,he had studied English in the school for several years.(填How。根据上下文意,强调的是方式)

3. 被强调的部分为从句:除定语从句外,从句均可被强调,但原因状语从句若是由as,since等引导时,改为because引导即可。例如:

It was because she got up late that she missed the first bus.是因为她起迟了,所以错过了首趟班车。

4. “not...until...”在强调句中:应否定转移,形成“It is/was not until...that...”句式结构。例如:

It was not until I got of f the bus that I realized it.直到我下车才认出了它。

【要点速测】It wasn’t until nearly a month later_______I received the manager’s reply.(填that。强调not until引导的时间状语从句)

5. 强调句中的主谓一致:若被强调的是主语,则that/ who后面的谓语动词依然与该主语保持一致。例如:

It is I who am to blame.是我该受到责备。(原句为:I am to blame.)

【要点速测】It is not only I but also Jane who________tired of having one examination after another.(填is。被强调结构是由“not only...but also...”引导的并列成分,为原句的主语,应用“就近原则”)

6. 判断是否是强调句的原则:将句中的“it is/was”与“that”去掉,句子仍然完整。例如:

It was at f ve o’clock that the plane landed at the airport.是在五点的时候飞机在机场着陆了。(去掉“it was”和“that”,句子仍然完整)

【要点速测】Is it the years_______you worked in the factory________have a great ef fect on your literary works?(填when;that。when引导定语从句,“the years”为被强调成分)


1. 完全倒装:谓语动词完全放到主语之前形成的倒装。主要表现在:

(1)there be句型。例如:

There are many students in the room.在屋里有许多学生。

(2) 用 于 here,there,now,then,out,in,up,down,away等副词开头的句子中,以表强调。例如:

Here comes the bus.车来了。(当the bus被代词it替换时,句式应为:Here it comes.)

Out went the children.孩子们出去了。(当the children被代词they替换时,句式应为:Out they went.)


From the valley came a frightening sound.一声令人惊吓的声音从山谷传来。(原句为:A frightening sound came from the valley.)


Present at the meeting were professor White. White教授出席了会议。(形容词+系动词+主语)

Written on the blackboard are some new words.一些新单词被写在了黑板上。(过去分词+系动词+主语)

Among the goods are Christmas trees.圣诞树在这些货物之列。(介词短语+系动词+主语)

【要点速测】At the foot of the mountain_______(lie)a village.(填lies。完全倒装,原句为:A village lies at the foot of the mountain.)

2. 部分倒装:将谓语中的一部分(常为助动词或情态动词)置于主语之前形成的倒装。主要表现在:


Try as she might,Carolina couldn’t get the door open.尽管她尝试了,但是Carolina难以将门打开。

Clever as he is,he can’t study English very well.尽管他很聪明,但还是没能学好英语。

Hero as he is,he still has shortcomings.尽管他是个英雄,但他仍然有短处。

Much as I love you,I can’t speak to you.尽管我爱你,但是没能跟你说出来。


Were I not so busy,I should go with you.如果我不那么忙,我就和你一起去了。

(3)在“so+adj./adv. + that...”句型中,若“so+...”部分提到句首,形成部分倒装(主倒从不倒)。例如:

So loudly did she speak that people in the next room could hear her.她说话的声音如此大以至于隔壁屋里的人都能听见。

(4)词组not...until...,no sooner...than...,hardly... when...等引导连接的句型中,用部分倒装(主倒从不倒)。例如:

Not until the teacher came did he f nish his task.直到老师进来他才完成了任务。

Hardly had he collected the papers on his desk when the door burst open.他刚收集了桌子上的卷子,门就突然开了。

(5)only + 副词/介词短语/状语从句等置于句首时,用部分倒装(主倒从不倒)。例如:

Only when he returned did he f nd out the truth.仅仅当他到达的时候他才发现了真相。

(6)否定或半否定词never,not,not only,hardly,little,seldom,in no way,by no means等置于句首时,用部分倒装。例如:

Not a single mistake did he make.他犯了不止一个错误。


May you succeed! 祝你成功!

Long live the world peace! 世界和平万岁!


He has been to Beijing.

—So he has.他确实去过。(再次重复强调与前句一致的同一个主语的情形,主谓不倒置)

He can’t answer the question.

—Neither/Nor can I.我也不行。(重复前句的内容,但说明另一者也不能,主谓倒置)

(9)如果表示两种或两种以上的情况也适合于另一人或物时,用“So it is/was with...”或“It is/was the same with...”结构;或者同一个人的事也适合于其他几个人时,也可用此结构。例如:

She doesn’t play the piano,but she likes singing.

—So it is with my sister./It is the same with my sister.(两种情况也适合于另一人)

I like football.

—So it is with my sister and brother. /It is the same with my sister and brother.(同一件事也适合于其他两个人)


(1)If Joe’s wife won’t go to the party,neither_______he.(填will。重述与条件句相同的情况,部分倒装)

(2)Only after my friend came________(be) the computer repaired.(填was。“only+状语”提前,部分倒装;原句为:The computer was repaired only after my friend came.)


1. 反义疑问句由陈述部分和疑问部分组成,结构为:“肯,否?/否,肯?”。例如:

You are conceited,aren’t you?你自负,不是吗?

2. 祈使句的反义疑问句:后加问句,不表示反意,而表示一种语气。常有:

●否定祈使句+...,will you?

●肯定祈使句+...,will/won’t you?

●Let’s+...,shall we?

● Let us+...,will you?

● Let +第三人称+...,will you? 例如:

Open the door,will/won’t you?开门,好吗?

3.陈述部分主语为不定代词nobody,no one,everyone,somebody,anyone等时,疑问部分常用人称代词they,有时也可用he。例如:

Nobody knows what it is,does he?没人知道这是什么,是吗?

4. 陈述部分含有must的反义疑问句:


You must go now,mustn’t you?你现在必须去,是吗?(必须)

You must go now,needn’t you? 你有必要现在去,是吗?(有必要)


You must be hungry now,aren’t you? 你现在准是饿了,不是吗?(对现在的推测)

You must have heard about it,haven’t you? 你准是听到了这事,不是吗?(对过去的推测)

You must have heard about it last night,didn’t you? 你昨晚准是听到了这事,不是吗?(对过去的推测,但有明显的过去时间状语)

5. think,believe,suppose等后面跟宾语从句时,有“否定转移”现象,其反义问句部分要视主句而定:若主句的主语为第一人称时,反义问句部分随从句,否定要转移;若主句主语为非第一人称时,反义问句部分随主句,否定不转移。例如:

_I don’t believe he will succeed,will he? 我认为他不会成功,是吗?(主句主语为第一人称)

He doesn’t believe he will succeed,does he? 他认为他不会成功,是吗?(主句主语为第三人称)


(1)There is no light in the dormitory. They must have gone to the lecture,_______they?(填haven’t。must have gone表示对过去的推测,句中无时间状语)

(2)Tom,you go and pick up Mary from the station,_______you?(填will。Tom为称呼语,“you go...”为祈使句)


1. 定语或状语从句中可省略,形成非谓语动词作定语或状语。例如:

The picture (which was/is) drawn by my daughter is so beautiful.我女儿画的这幅画是如此的漂亮。

(While I was) walking along the street,I heard my name called.当我正沿街行走时,我听到有人在叫我的名字。

2. 插入语为句子表达的辅助成分,在句中与其他成分基本没有语法上的关系。例如:

When do you think we shall start?你认为我们将什么时候开始?(其后为陈述语序)

3. 感叹句可感叹名词也可感叹形容词或副词,结构单一。例如:

What a clever boy he is! 他是多么聪明的一个孩子!How fast he is running! 他跑得多快啊!

4. “祈使句+and/or/then等+陈述句(常用一般将来时)”的句式结构很重要。例如:

Open the door and then you will find what you want to use.


Wheelchair basketball stars