Smartphones Make People Stupid

2018-11-20 08:38Joe
新高考·英语基础(高一) 2018年7期



1. Which statement contains the same meaning as the one of the underlined phrase in the first paragraph?

A. That maths exam I took was a regular brain drain.

B. The country suffered from a continual brain drain because of bad economy.

C. Ireland has su仟ered a huge brain drain in recent years.

D. Brain drain will cause inestimable losses to enterprises.

2. According to the researchers at the University of Texas, the person who is most likely to concentrate on his/herjob when working is _______.

A. Lily, who has put her phone in her pocket

B. Tom, who has put his phone in the desk

C. John, who has put his phone in his bag

D. Lucy, who has no mobile phone

3. Which option can explain why people's cognitive capabilities decrease only if the devices are present?

A. People are not good at maintaining sustained attention.

B. Once the devices are present, people have a brain drain.

C. People's cognitive capabilities are limited.

D. Avoiding the temptation to check their phones is hard for people to keep.

4. What's the main idea of the fourth paragraph?

A. The number of the subjects in the experiment.

B. The conclusion of the experiment.

C. The process and results of the experiment.

D. The effect of the experiment.

5. What's the attitude of the author to the research?

A. Objective.

B. Subjective.

C. Indifferent.

D. Favorable.


1.A。词义推测题。选项A中的brain drain意思是“绞尽脑汁”与第一段中的“脑力流失”效应意思接近,其他选项中的这个短语都是“人才流失”的意思。






1. In two experiments they found phones sitting on a desk or even in a pocket or handbag would distract users and lead to worse test scores even when it was set up not to disturb test subjects.在两组实验中,他们发现只要手机放在桌上甚至只放在口袋或手提包里,即便设置成防干扰模式,也能让人分心并且导致更低的测试分数。

这是个复合句。主句谓语带了个宾语从句,宾语从句的主语是phones,后面的代名词短语和介词短语做定语。这个宾语从句中又带了个when引导的时间状语从句,其中set up意思是“设置”。例如:I set up my mind to be a good sudent.我下定决心做个好学生。

2. Those who had their phones on the desk recorded a 10 percent lower score than those who left them in a different room on operational span tasks, which measures working memory and focus.与手机放在其他房间的人相比,手机放在桌子上的参与者在操作时长任务方面得分要低10%,这种任务主要是考查工作记忆力和注意力。

这是个复合句。句中有三个定语从句,其中两个定语从句是who引导修饰的先行词都是those,另一个定语从句是which引导,修饰前面整个句子。特别强调的是代词those指人时做先行词,关系代词一定用who而不是that,因为它不是不定代词。例如:Only those who booked in advance were allowed in.只有预先订票的人才可以进入。

当those后面的关系代词是定语从句中的宾语时,用关系代词whom,也可以省略。例如:He could imitate in speech or writing most of those he admired.他能模仿他所仰慕的大多数人的演讲和写作风格。

Brain Clubs in the USA
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