
  • Phoney War
    usters (職业打假人)” in China. They pursue companies using China’s Law for the Protection of Consumers’ Rights and Interests, which orders businesses caught selling counterfeit goods provide compensation of up to ten times the product’

    汉语世界(The World of Chinese) 2022年2期2022-04-17

  • A Social Crisis
    ference做職业社工是怎样一种体验?Five years after she became a professional social worker, ZhengYilin decided to call it a day. She used to be passionate about her work with rehabilitating narcotics users in Guangzhou and Beijing, but thought

    汉语世界(The World of Chinese) 2022年2期2022-04-17

  • Class Struggles
    aozhong(職业高中), or technical school orjishuxuexiao(技术学校), thoughzhongzhuanis often used as a catch-all term for all three. Theoretically, these schools provide students with technical or occupational training for specific jobs with

    汉语世界(The World of Chinese) 2021年6期2021-12-13

  • A Real Book Lover
    sional (職业的)life, from the first exciting days of work experience to the present.If you pointed to any book on my shelves, I could name the year I got it, where I was working, and probably where I was living at the time. It is a

    初中生学习指导·中考版 2020年12期2020-09-10

  • 跟踪导练(一)(1)
    career (職业生涯). I spent the next ten years trying to perfect my drawing skills through competitions and art classes. I enjoyed nearly every second of it. However, somewhere along the way my thought began to change. So much has chan

    时代英语·高一 2019年5期2019-09-03

  • How to Filter Passive Emotion in English Teaching at Vocational School
    ple, 《中等職业技术学校教学用书英语第二册》(修订本)以及《中等职业技术学校教学用书第三册》(修订本)both focus on The Passive Voice. There are some consolidation exercises, which are extremely good for further understanding. The students like to do this kind of grammar exercis

    校园英语·中旬 2019年4期2019-05-13

  • hoopanddreams
    in China職业篮球是大个子们的天下,街球手们却另有一片天空Sixteen-year-old Wu You was robotically flipping channels one evening when he saw it. It was the summer of 2001, and Wu was exhausted from a day of basketball practice, when his gaze landed on the N

    汉语世界(The World of Chinese) 2019年2期2019-04-19

  • Making efforts to reduce kidney transplantation wait—list
    e,PRC 中山職业技术学院 广东 中山 528404[Abstract] There are too few live and deceased organ donors; lack of supply is one obvious reason which leads to the long waiting list of kidney transplantation. Exploring Methods: for increasing organ s

    特别健康·下半月 2018年5期2018-07-02